Night time run

Ride my bike on the Oak Leaf trail then onto the Brown Deer trail. Ride up the Ozaukee Interurban trail to Pioneer Road. Turn around. Later drive to Heather’s house for a cookout. Hear an owl hooting off in the distance. Eat steak and crab legs. Make a night time run to the lagoon to put out the seed mix for the ducks around the Bodhi tree.

Absolutely crazy

In the morning do a couple of court hearings over my cell phone. Drive to Fleet and Farm and get some cracked corn and duck food pellets and a bucket. Drive down to the courthouse to meet a potential client’s girlfriend who is looking to hire me. Drive back home, Mix up the new feed with sunflower seeds and bag it up. Take it down to the Bodhi tree. The ducks go absolutely crazy. There must be 50 of them jumping over each other to get at the seed mix. In the late afternoon ride my bike up the Hank Aaron trail out to 116th Street. Go back to the Bodhi tree at night with more of the mix. Total chaos again. Ride to Stacked Burger Bar to get eggplant fries. They aren’t as good as normal. Have an extra spice to them that I don’t like.

Cross the county line

Horrible night of sleep. In pain all night long. Orangetheory strength day fucked up my shoulders and upper back. It hurt to lay down in bed. In the morning slowly recover. Do a few things around the house. In the afternoon ride my bike up the Oak Leaf Trail. Continue north up the Brown Deer Trail. Cross the county line. Ride into Ozaukee County. Turn east to the lake. Ride back downtown.

The bodhi tree is the place to be

In the morning ride my bike to the Bodhi tree. Put out seed for the ducks and some geese. Ride to the office. Pick up a file. Ride to the jail. Go in for a consultation. Eat lunch at a picnic table in front of the courthouse. Ride back to the Bodhi tree. Put more seed out for the ducks and some geese. Ride back to the office. Print out a bunch of police reports. Ride back to the jail. Go in for more consultations. Ride back to the Bodhi tree. Put more seed out for the ducks and some geese. Ride back home. Go to Orange Theory. Ride my bike up the Oak Leaf trail to Capitol Drive. Ride back down along the lake lakefront to the Bodhi tree. There are a ton of ducks waiting there for me. They dive in to the seed in big masses. The word is getting around about that the Bodhi tree is the place to be.

Rain is threatening

In the morning walk to the lakefront. Put seed out for the ducks. Walk back home. Walk to the office. Work on a few things. Walk back down to the lakefront. Put more seed out for the ducks. Ride bike on the Hank Aaron trail out to 116th Street. Gray and darkening skies are all around. Rain is threatening. It never comes. Ride over to Lincoln Avenue. Ride back down to the lakefront. Put more seed out for the ducks. Ride home in a good mood.

Sunset over the lagoon

Wake up late. Not as sore as I expected that I would be. Walk to the lakefront. Put seed out for the ducks. Walk back home. Do a court hearing in the afternoon over my cell phone. Lay on the couch for a couple of hours. Go to Orangetheory. After walk back to the lakefront. The light from the sunset over the lagoon is dazzling. Put seed out by the Bodhi tree. Walk to Pick N’ Save. Buy a gallon of milk. Ride the streetcar back home. Listen to the Bucks lose game one of the NBA playoff series against the Miami Heat.

Return trip

Wake up early again. Leave the hotel at 8:00 A.M. Another nice sunny day for the return trip. Ride to Lake Mills. Stop at McDonalds for breakfast. The dining room is closed. Sit on the sidewalk outside to eat. Ride to Heather’s house. Drop off the battery. It is out of juice. Ride back home. 170 miles in two days. Walk down to the lakefront at sunset. Walk to the Bodhi tree. Put out seed for the ducks.

I am very proud

Wake up early. Pack up everything for the journey. Leave at 8:00 A.M. It is going to be a sunny day. Ride the bike to Heather’s house. Pick up another battery for the bike. The kids are there to tease me. Ride to Lake Mills. Bryce meets me there with a recharged battery. Ride to Madison. Go to the State Capitol. Take my picture at sunset. I am very proud. Post my achievement on Facebook. Ride over to my apartment from law school. Ride out to Camp Randall. Ride around the campus. Ride up State Street. Everything is boarded up still from the riots. Ride back to my hotel. Fall asleep while watching the Lakers crush the Portland Trailblazers in the NBA playoffs.

Rest up for this weekend

In the morning go to the office. Finish up work on a few things to end the week on a good note. In the afternoon walk to the lakefront. Later ride my bike to Cousin’s Subs on Miller Park Way. Get food for tomorrow. Ride home. Thunderstorm rolls into town. Rest up for this weekend’s bike riding.

Braver and smarter

In the morning go to the courthouse for a couple of hearings. In the afternoon do another hearing over my cell phone. Feel super tired. Take a nice long nap. Later ride my bike down to the lakefront. Go to the Bodhi tree. The duck family is there. They come right up to me. The other ducks all flee into the lagoon. The duck family enjoys their dinner while the rest of the ducks watch them from the lagoon. The mother duck in this family is braver and smarter than the rest of the ducks.