The soreness goes away

In the morning go to the office. Work all day. In the late afternoon do a court appearance over my cell phone. After work ride my bike to the north side. Go to see Latia. Hang out with her for an hour. Ride home at sunset. Later go to the lakefront and put out seed for the ducks in the dark. Not sure if they are out there in the lagoon. Go home and put an ice pad on my legs. The soreness goes away.

Nice and smooth

In the morning go to the courthouse. Jury trial is adjourned. There are only two cases allowed to go to trial and mine is not one of them. In the afternoon ride my bike out to Highway 100. Ride up to Aquatics Unlimited. Pick up some fish food. Ride east along Oklahoma Avenue. It is cold and grey. It should have been sunny but the sky is hazed over because of the wildfires from out west. RIde over to Mitchell Street. It is nice and smooth from the paving earlier this summer. Go to Orangetheory. At night walk back to the lakefront. It is dark. Put out seed for the ducks. There are only two ducks there to take advantage. Walk home. Fall asleep listening to Monday Night Football.

Nice way to start the season

In the morning walk to the lakefront. Put out seed for the ducks. Walk home. Do a water change on the fish tank. In the afternoon ride my bike to Cedarburg. Along the trial stop to see a bunch of kids soccer games going on at the same time across several fields. Listen to the Packers beat the Minnesota Vikings. Nice way to start the season. Ride back home. At sunset walk back to the lakefront to put out more seed for the ducks. Walk home. Lay on the couch and watch Sunday Night Football.


In the morning go to Orangetheory. Walk to the lakefront to put out seed for the ducks. It starts raining again. Fifth day in a row. Drive to REI in Brookfield. Get a pair of Hoka Speedgoat hiking shoes. They are made with Gore-Tex for use in rain, sleet and snow. Rain stops. Walk to the lakefront. The sun is barely shining through the clouds. First sighting of the sun in a week.

Farm & Fleet

In the morning go down to the lakefront to put out piles of seed for the ducks. They are waiting for me again. It is also raining again. Go to the courthouse. My client is waiting there for me. He says he is sick. Runs to the bathroom to throw up. Case adjourned. Go to the office. Work on trial prep for a case that is not going to trial next week, but you never know. In the afternoon go to court for a motion hearing. Testimony and argument to the judge. Just like the old days. Drive to Farm & Fleet. Get more bags of cracked corn, sunflower seeds and duck pellets. Go to Toppers. Pick up a pizza. Go home. Raining even harder now. Lay on the couch until I fall asleep.

They move in

In the morning do a court hearing on my cell phone. Go down to the lakefront. Put out piles of seed for the ducks. Drive out to the House of Correction. Do a consultation with a client. Later go back down to the lakefront. Put out more piles of seed for the ducks. They move in and devour all of it.


In the morning do a couple of hearings on my cell phone. Later go to the courthouse for real court. Do a court hearing with a mask on my face. In the afternoon go to the jail for a consultation with an angry client. Go home and watch the Brewers game on Youtube. They crush the Detroit Tigers 19-0. Sounds more like a football score. Go to Orangetheory. Go down to the lakefront to put seed out for the ducks. They are in even bigger numbers.

It is still raining

In the morning do a court hearing over my cell phone. Drive down to the lagoon. It is raining. Put out seed mix for the ducks. They swarm on the piles of seed. Drive to the jail. Go in for a consultation. Walk to the office. Use an umbrella. Work for a while. Almost fall asleep. Go home. Take a nap. Drive back down to the lagoon. It is still raining. Put out seed mix for the ducks. They swarm on the piles of seed. Drive down to Franklin. Go to the feed store. Pick up more cracked corn and suflower seeds and duck food pellets. Drive over to Toppers Pizza. Take it home. It isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Do a water change on the fish tank. It is still raining. Go to bed early.


In the morning clean the rest of the house. Scrub the bathroom. Vacuum the floors. Polish the furniture. its nice to have a clean house. In the afternoon ride my bike out to Grafton. Stop at McDonalds. The manager chases me out of the outdoor eating area cause of Covid regulations. Ride back home as it gets sunnier out. Walk down to the lakefront to put out more seed mix for the duck. There are tons of them now. They swarm around the Bodhi tree to get the seed. There are some geese there too. One stops to look at me. His beak is covered in dust from the cracked corn. Looks like the goose was sniffing a line of cocaine.

Make everything shiny

In the morning clean the kitchen. Scrub the counters and the floor. Make everything shiny. Later ride my bike up the Hank Aaron trail out to Greenfield Golf Park. It is cold and gray. Not much going on out here. Ride down Lincoln Avenue. Ride back downtown.