Watch the sun set

In the morning drive to Racine. Go in to the jail. Have a consultation with a client on the second floor cell block. Do a zoom hearing over my cell phone while sitting in my car in a parking lot of a grocery store. In the afternoon ride my bike west on the Hank Aaron Trail. Ride out onto the New Berlin trail. Ride back east on Lincoln Avenue. Ride past Lorena’s house. Dante the dog is outside. He jumps up and down when he sees me. Talk to Lorena for a little while. Walk around the Third Ward and watch the sun set.

Can’t win them all

In the morning go back to the Safety Building to finish up the jury trial. Started out great in the beginning then went downhill after that. Can’t win them all. In the afternoon go to the office to pick up files for tomorrow. At night walk along the lakefront to Moosa’s. Get a big hot fudge sundae.

A fleeting moment

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put cracked corn and seed out for the ducks and the geese. It is so beautiful and peaceful out here. The whole moment is bathed in golden light. I take it in as much as possible. It is a fleeting moment. Drive to the courthouse. Continue the jury trial. Get frustrated today. The prosecutor is irritating me. Keeps making half assed arguments and using sneaky tactics. The judge is getting sick of it too. By the end of the day I am winning arguments with the judge simply by rolling my eyes. After court go to Orangetheory. At night walk to Moosa’s. Get another hot fudge sundae. Walk home while listening to a Youtube recording of the news coverage of the Richard Nixon resignation speech from August 8, 1974.

Great day of lawyering

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out cracked corn and sunflower seeds for the ducks. The same group of geese are out there waiting for me. Drive to the courthouse. Spend all day there for jury trial. After court walk back down to the lagoon. No ducks or geese are there. Walk up the lakefront to Moosa’s. Get a hot fudge sundae as a reward for a great day of lawyering.

Lawyering in a global pandemic

In the morning go to the Safety Building. Pick a jury in the afternoon. First jury trial since coronavirus hit. Everyone is wearing a mask. Lawyering in a global pandemic. At night go to Orangetheory. Weak effort on my part. Still fucked up from yesterday’s bike ride to Port Washington.

Port Washington

Ride my bike all the way to Port Washington. Listen to the Packers crush the Detroit Lions on the way up there. On the way back listen to the Los Angeles Chargers lose in overtime to the KansasCity Chiefs. Get home in agony. Epic ride. Well over 6 1/2 hours. Totally wrecked myself.

Calling out to me in the darkness

In the morning go to Orangetheory. Nice work out. In the afternoon ride my bike north past Pioneer Road. At night drive to Farm and Fleet to get more cracked corn and feed pellets for the ducks and geese. Stop at Topper’s Pizza. Go home and eat the pizza. After dark walk down to the lagoon and put out piles of the seed around the Bodhi tree. The geese and ducks are out on the lagoon calling out to me in the darkness.

Troniyah’s birthday party

In the morning walk to the office. Dig through a big file to try and find a motion issue. Do a couple of court hearings on my cell phone. Ride my bike to the lakefront. Put out seed for the ducks. A bunch of geese come over. They fight over a territory while the ducks go right on eating up all the food. Ride my bike to the jail. Go in for a couple of consultations. Walk down to the lakefront again. Put out more seed for the ducks. Walk home. Drive to the north side. Go to Troniyah’s birthday party. Drive out to Dave and Buster’s. Buy game cards for the kids. They run around the game room all crazy and full of excitement. Drive everyone back home. Get home late.

The sky played a trick on me

In the morning go to the office. Work through a list of things on a to do list. Check off everything. It is sunny and warm. Blow off the rest of the day at work to go on a bike ride. As I begin to head north on the Oak Leaf trail the sun disappears. It clouds over. The sky played a trick on me. Ride home disappointed. Go to Orangetheory. At night walk to the lakefront to put out seed for the ducks.