Not too many golfers out here today

In the morning go down to the lakefront to put out cracked corn for the ducks and the six geese. It is a beautiful golden sunny morning. Nice. Go to the courthouse for a couple of hearings. Tired today. Go for a short walk around the lagoon. Go back to the courthouse for another couple of hearings. Ride my bike along the Hank Aaron Trail out to Greenfield Golf Course. Not too many golfers out here today. The signs of fall are everwhere. The colors are changing on the trees. Go to Orangetheory.

Apple Fest

When I wake up my quads are sore and everything hurts. In the morning wake up to a text from Lorena. She says that Kristine has the coronavirus. I text back that I hope she gets better. I text that l still love Kristine and that I miss her. Walk to the lakefront while listening to Musica Antiqua on WORT-FM from Madison. My quads are sore and everything still hurts. Put down cracked corn for the six geese and the ducks. Walk to the office. Prep my files for tomorrow morning. In the afternoon ride my bike north on the Oak Leaf Trail. My quads are still sore and everthing still hurts. Ride out to Theinsville. Stop at the Apple Fest. Eat a piece of apple pie. It is so good. Watch a tractor pulling little kids sitting in barrells that are hooked up to it. They are having fun. Most of the people here aren’t wearing masks. It kind of shocks me a first but then I remember this is Trump country out here. My pain is gone. The apple pie and the smiles on the little kids cured me. Ride home in a nice mood.

Clear out of the horrible little space

Walk to the office in the morning. It is dark and gray outside. Raining on and off all day. Clear out of the horrible little space I had been using on the fourth floor. Move it back into my old office on the second floor. Go up and down the elevator a bunch of times to toss out boxes and other garbage. There is a girl sitting in a chair in the lobby with a laptop. She is typing away on something. We keep smiling and saying hi to each other every time I go by. Eventually I leave to go home. We smile at each other again. It was the nicest part of my day. Of course I will most likely never see her again. Sit home at night all frustrated and depressed because it is raining and cold outside.

2020 is finally giving me back something

In the morning walk to the office. It is my last day in that horrible little space on the fourth floor. The work on my old office space on the second floor is done. Ready to move back in. This is the first time 2020 is finally giving me back something it had taken from me after the fire in the building. Feels very good. After work ride my bike along the Hank Aaron Trail out to the Greenfield Golf Course. Ride back along Lincoln Avenue. Stop at Stacked Burger Bar on the way home. Pick up a burger and fries. Ride back home in the dark.


Go to the courthouse in the morning. Have a bunch of hearings in the courts. Run around from court to court juggling a bunch of different cases. Just like the days before the Coronavirus. The rest of the day it rains on and off. The rain is interrupted by bright sunshine and then it gets dark out of nowhere and the rain starts up again. Stop at Glorioso’s to pick up a pizza. Take it home and heat it up. Eat the pizza.

The squirrell comes down to meet me

In the morning ride my bike down to the lagoon. The squirrell that lives in the Bodhi tree comes down to meet me. The squirrell makes a motion to me with its hands to its mouth. The squirrell is asking me to give it some more food. I put the peanuts in the crevice of the Bodhi tree. The squirrell snatches one and runs off to bury it somewhere. Drive to the Safety Building. Do a couple of hearings. Go to the jail for a consultation. Drive out to the House of Correction for another consultation. Later go to Orangetheory. At night walk back to the lagoon. Listen to the television coverage of Richard Nixon’s funeral from 1994 that is saved on Youtube.

The Sinister Six

Go down to the lagoon and put out cracked corn for the same six geese. They tell me that they call themselves: “The Sinister Six”. I post about it on Facebook:

This crew of geese calls themselves: “The Sinister Six”. This same group will hiss at me until I put down the cracked corn for them. Then they squawk at me to back the fuck up so they can eat in peace.

Later at night I walk around downtown and start listening to the Presidential Debate. Trump is so obnoxious that I turn it off after 30 minutes.

An apple fell from the tree

In the morning ride my bike down to the lagoon. Put out cracked corn and sunflower seeds for the ducks and the same six geese that always wait for me to show up. Ride back home. Sit on the couch and do a court hearing over my cell phone. Rain on and off all afternoon. During a break in the rain walk back down to the lagoon. As I walk by an apple tree I hear a thud on the ground next to me. An apple fell from the tree. Put out more cracked corn and sunflower seeds for the ducks. Go to Orangetheory. My legs and feet are in pain all night long.

Season two

In the morning walk down to the lagoon while listening to Musica Antiqua on WORT-FM. Put out cracked corn and sunflower seeds for the ducks and those six geese that wait out there for me. Binge watch season two of Cobra Kai. The show is basically a story about two men in their fifties going through a mid life crisis with a lot of cartoonish “Karate Kid” shit going on in the background. At night watch the Packers beat the New Orleans Saints on Sunday Night Football.

Cobra Kai

Tired all day. Do a filter change on the fish tank. Binge watch the first season of “Cobra Kai” (2018). The first episode was really good. Totally changes my energy vibe.