Drive down to Racine

In the morning drive down to the lagoon and put out seed for the six geese and the ducks. Drive to the jail. Go in for a consultation. In the afternoon drive to Rawson Avenue. Go to Fleet & Farm and pick up more geese and duck food. Load it in my trunk. Stop at the grocery store as long as I am out there. Drive to the House of Correction. Go in for another consultation. Drive down to Racine. Go to the Law Enforcement Center for a hearing. While walking back to my car see a big group of street people drinking beers and talking. They look like they are having a nice afternoon. Drive home. Walk down to the lagoon at sunset and put out more seed for the geese and ducks. Other geese wander over and a battle erupts. While the geese fight the ducks keep on eating away.

Mount Everest challenge

In the morning go to the courthouse for a plea and sentencing hearing. In the afternoon ride my bike west on the Hank Aaron trail. Ride south on the Oakleaf trail to Drexel Avenue. Ride back downtown via Packard Avenue and Kinnickinnik Drive. At night go to Orangetheory. Do the Mount Everest challenge. Run over a mile on the tread mill at high inclines. Go home and put ice on my knees.

Yellow canopy of tree leaves

In the morning go down to the lagoon and put out seed for the six geese and the ducks. Drive to the Criminal Justice Facility. Sit there all morning for preliminary hearings. In the afternoon ride my bike north on the Oak Leaf Trail. A yellow canopy of tree leaves hangs over the trail. Ride to Bradley Road. Ride west to Wauwatosa. Ride over to the Hank Aaron Trail. Ride back home. Later ride my bike to Riverwest. Go to the Tai Chi workshop. Ride my bike back home in the dark.

Seventh one is not there

In the morning go down to the lagoon and put out seed for the six geese and the ducks. The seventh goose that was trying to hang with the other six is not out there. Go to the Safety Building. Go to a couple of court hearings. Walk to the office. Work all afternoon. Get a bunch of stuff done. At night go to Orangetheory. Tough workout. Get in tons of cardio.

Staring at a crowd that is staring back

In the morning ride my bike down to the lagoon. Put out cracked corn and sunflower seeds for the six geese and the ducks. The seventh goose that hangs around the other six goes off to the other side of the Bodhi tree to eat from one of the piles of food. Will they ever let him join their gang? Ride my bike west on the Hank Aaron trail. Ride back to the zoo. Go in and see more animals. See a big bear staring at a crowd of people that is staring back at him. Ride my bike to Suburpia. Eat a very delicious turkey sub. Ride my bike south on the Oak Leaf Trail. Ride all the way to Drexel Avenue. Ride east to Grant Park. Ride north up Lake Drive. My goal of riding the entire Oak Leaf trail will have to wait for another day. At night listen to the Minnesota Vikings choke at the end of their game against the Seattle Seahawks and lose 27-26.

Koi pond

In the morning ride my bike down to the lagoon. Put out cracked corn and sunflower seeds for the six geese and the ducks. Ride my bike up the Oak Leaf Trail. Ride to Bradley Road. Ride west. Ride to Wauwatosa. Ride to the Milwaukee County Zoo. Go in to see the animals. Amazed by the big fish in the Koi pond. Throw down fish pellets for them. They flop over each other to get at the food. Ride my bike south on the Oak Leaf Trai. Ride to Layton Avenue. Ride east. Ride back home. Many hours on the bike. Failed to complete the ride of the entire Oak Leaf Trail.

Other geese show up

In the morning drive to the lagoon. The six geese are waiting for me. There is a seventh one that hangs around the other six. He is not part of their group but they let him be around them. He eats from a separate pile that I put on the other side of the Bodhi tree. Will the other six let him join their crew after the hazing period ends? I will keep watching the situation develop. In the meantime the ducks still go absolutely crazy whenever I put down food for them. Drive back home. Do a couple of court hearings over my cell phone. Drive around and do some grocery shopping. Stop at Farm and Fleet for more cracked corn and sunflower seeds. Later walk down to the lagoon. Put out more seed for the geese and ducks. There are other geese that show up and a fight kicks off. The ducks ignore them and keep eating away.

The northern half

In the morning go to the Safety Building for a hearing. Walk over to MSDF for a consultation. In the afternoon ride my bike up the Oak Leaf Trail. Cover the northern half of the Oak Leaf Trail. Turn east after I reach Wauwatosa. Ride home along State Street. Ride through the Miller Valley. Enjoy a nice summer time vibe the whole day.

My bike and I cast a long shadow

In the morning drive to the lagoon. Put out cracked corn and sunflower seeds for the ducks and the six geese. Drive back home. Walk to the office. Do a court hearing from my office over my cell phone. In the afternoon ride my bike west on the Hank Aaron Trail and the New Berlin Trail. Ride home as the sun sets behind me. My bike and I cast a long shadow.

Felt like summer was back

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out cracked corn for the ducks and the six geese. Drive back home. Walk to the office. Work on a bunch of stuff. Get alot of things done. In the afternoon ride my bike north along the Oake Leaf trail. Ride out to Pioneer Road. Ride back home as the sun sets. Gorgeous warm afternoon. Felt like summer was back.