Dinosaurs in the forest

In the morning drive down to the lakefront to feed the ducks and the geese. There are more geese down there again. This causes conflict. The ducks just go right on eating up. It is going to be a sunny and warm day. Just like summer. Get on my shorts and get out my bike. Today is the day I conquer the Oak Leaf trail. Start out at 8:30 A.M. Ride the northern half. Stop at the zoo. Go see the animals. Stop at a picnic table to have lunch. Check the election. My earlier gloom begins to lift. Joe Biden is coming back. He is now in the lead! Go to the dinosaur exhibit. See a bunch of robot dinosaurs in the forest. Continue to walk around the zoo. At 1:30 start up on my bike again. Ride the southern half of the Oak Leaf trail. Get home by sunset. I did it!!! I conquered the Oak Leaf trail today!!

The pollsters are wrong AGAIN!

In the morning go down to the lagoon and put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive to the courthouse. Go in for a bunch of hearings. In the late afternoon go in for another hearing. At night walk to Riverwest to attend Tai Chi class. Walk home as an election site is closing up. The election is ending up much closer than the pollsters said it would. The pollsters are wrong AGAIN! Walk out to the Hoan Bridge to see it all lit up Red, White and Blue. Go to bed thinking that Donald Trump won re-election.


In the morning go down to the lagoon and put out seed for the ducks and the geese. There are more geese down there this morning. The word is getting out. do a couple of court hearings on my cell phone. While waiting for the judge to call my case start watching a miniseries made in France about Napoleon. In the afternoon take a nap. At night continue to watch the miniseries about Napoleon.

Walk out on the sand

In the morning walk down to the lagoon while listening to Musica Antiqua on WORT-FM from Madison, Wisconsin. In the afternoon walk down to the lakefront and up to Bradford Beach. Walk out on the sand. The beach is totally empty. Walk back home while listening to the Packers lose to the Minnesota Vikings. My right foot hurts real bad. I can’t even walk a few steps on it.

See a tiger walk by me.

In the morning ride my bike down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Later ride my bike over the northern half of the Oak Leaf trail. Stop at the zoo. Walk around. It is a beautiful sunny day here at the zoo. See a bonobo. See giraffes. See birds. See Bears. See a tiger walk right by me. Continue to ride my bike south. Make it to Layton Avenue. Turn east then north back home. At night lay on the couch with ice on my legs and on the bottom of my right foot.

Out of body experience

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive to the courthouse. Finish the jury trial. My closing argument was an out of body experience. I gave a passionate oration that convinced the jury to vote Not Guilty. I watched myself give the best closing argument of my carreer so far as though someone else was up there doing it. In the late afternoon ride my bike up the Hank Aaron trail to 116th Street. Ride south to Lincoln Avenue. Ride back downtown. At night walk to the lagoon. Put out seed for the geese sitting in the water just off shore. I can see them there in the dark. Watch them slowly waddle up from the water to eat their late night snack.

It is my birthday today

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the six geese. Drive to the courthouse. Go in all day for the jury trial. At night go to Orangetheory. It is a very difficult workout. It is my birthday today.

A bright moon lights my way

Go to courthouse in the morning for jury trial. Pick a jury in the morning. Start testimony in the afternoon. At night ride my bike to Riverwest. Go to Tai Chi class. Ride bike home. A bright moon lights my way. Listen to the World Series.

Flakes of snow in the air

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the six geese. There are many other geese there. Battles over the piles of seed ensue. There are flakes of snow in the air. Drive to the courthouse. Spend the whole day at the courthouse. At night go to Orangetheory.