Sunrays are bouncing off the lake

In the morning walk down to the lakefront. It is sunny and quiet. The sunrays are bouncing off the lake. Walk to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Walk home. Walk up to the office. Organize my files for next week. Pack up and walk back home. It is rainy. Work around the house. At night watch the Wisconsin Badgers demolish the Michigan Wolverines in College Football.

It is all so very peaceful

In the morning walk to the office. Get very little done. Drive to Farm and Fleet. Buy some more duck pellets and cracked corn. Get a new pair of winter gloves. Drive home. Do a Zoom court hearing on the couch. Ride my bike west on the Hank Aaron trail. It is a cold ride. Ride back downtown along Lincoln Avenue. At night walk out to the lagoon. It is dark. I can see the geese sitting out on the water. They are very quiet. I put out piles of seed for them. One by one they quietly come ashore to eat. I walk among them putting out more piles as they eat. They are quiet. No fighting. They don’t mind me coming right up to them. It is all so very peaceful.

Stop to admire historic City Hall

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive to the jail. Go in for consultations. Drive home. Eat lunch. Walk up to the office. Scan documents a client gave me. Walk back to the jail. Along the way stop to admire historic City Hall. Return the original copies to the client. Walk back home. At night walk back down to the lagoon. Put out more seed for the ducks and geese. The crowds of geese are bigger. Walk up to Northpoint. Stop at Ian’s for a slice of pizza and a bread stick. Their marinara sauce isn’t good at all.

Walk to the lagoon twice in a row

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. It is back down to the six geese and the straggler friend, It appears the hazing period is over for the seventh goose. They don’t chase him away anymore. Drive back home. Do a couple of court hearings over Zoom while sitting on my couch. Drive to the House of Correction. Stop in for a consultation. Stop at Farm and Fleet to pick up more pellets and cracked corn and sunflower seeds. Drive back home. Walk down to the lagoon twice in a row to put out seed for the ducks and the geese. It is nice and sunny but not as warm. At night go to Orangetheory. Run on the treadmill without stopping. My foot still hurts but not as bad.

Struggle to maintain interest

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. It is warm and humid outside. Drive to the Safety Building. Go in for a bail hearing. Walk over to the jail for a consultation. Drive home. Get tired all of a sudden. Take a nap. Wake up groggy. It starts raining outside. Drive to Riverwest at night. Go to Tai Chi class. It is very boring to me. I struggle to maintain interest. Drive home. Eat popcorn. Go to bed.

Aggressive geese

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. There are a ton of geese out here. Put out seed as fast as I can. The geese chase me. One pokes at the bag in my hand. They are agressive and don’t give a fuck. I am becoming too popular. Drive to the Safety Building. My client is on COVID quarantine at the House of Correction. Case adjourned. This looks like the last summer like day of the year. Take advantage of it. Ride my bike around the northern half of the Oak Leaf trail. Ride back downtown along the Hank Aaron trail. In the afternoon walk back down to the lakefront. The geese all run at me again. They poke at the bag to get the seed out. They terrorize everyone and everything around the area. Wild!

Crystal clear

In the morning walk down to the lakefront while listening to Rennaisance music on WORT-FM from Madison, Wisconsin. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Walk home. Clean out the fish tank filter. Put in new bags of Purigen. The water zaps back into being crystal clear. In the afternoon ride my bike on the Hank Aaron Trail out to Greenfield Golf course. Ride back downtown along the Hank Aaron Trail. At sunset walk down to the lakefront again.

The President-Elect

In the morning go down to the lagoon to put out seed for the ducks and the geese. There are many more geese out here. This causes more mayhem when put down the good tasting food. Go to Orangetheory. My right foot still hurts. Power walk on the tread instead of running. Feel very lame. The news organizations declare Joe Biden the winner in Pennsylvania. He is declared the winner of the Presidential election. He is being called the President-Elect. It took longer than I wanted but in the end it worked out. Feel fantastic. Watch Youtube videos of the celebrations breaking out in cities all over America. Watch Joe Biden and Kamala Harris give speeches about their victory.


In the morning walk down to the lakefront to put out seed for the ducks and the geese. It is like summer again today. Walk to the office. Work all day while listening to Zoom lectures from the State Public Defender Conference. At sunset walk back down to the lagoon and put out more seed for the ducks and the geese. Walk up to Northpoint. Stop at Ian’s Pizza. Eat a slice of pizza while sitting on a table outside on th sidewalk. Walk home at twilight. Another wonderful day.

Wonderful day

In the morning go down to the lakefront to put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Walk to the office. Work all day at the office while listening to Zoom lectures from the State Public Defender Conference. Get a great amount of work done. Feel great about it. At sunset walk to the lakefront. Put out more seed for the ducks and the geese. It is like summer out here. Beautiful sunset at night. Wonderful day.