
In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive back home. Walk to the office. Work many hours. It is raining on and off the entire day. Stay late at the office. Walk home in the drizzle.

COVID screening questionaire

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive back home. Do a court hearing over my cell phone. Drive to the courthouse. Stopped at the entrance by security. I am ordered to fill out a COVID screening questionaire. I fill it out over my cell phone. Then they make me stick my face in a screen so it can take my temperature. The device says that I pass the test. I receive a confirmation text on my phone. I have to show this to get into the courthouse today. Go in for a court hearing. The client is in quarantine in the jail. He has to appear in court over video. I am all alone at the defense table. Drive back home. Have lunch. Drive back to the courthouse in the afternoon. Go to court with a client this time. We sit at the defense table with a clear platic shield between us. The prosecutor is on video. Do a good job in court today. At night go to Orangetheory. Start on the treadmill and it throws me off. My legs and upper back are sore all night long.

Lose in overtime

In the morning walk down to the lagoon while listening to Musica Antiqua on WORT-FM from Madison, Wisconsin. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. In the afternoon ride my bike north on the Oak Leaf Trail into Ozaukee County. Listen to the Detroit Lions get shut out by the Carolina Panthers. In the late afternoon walk down to the lagoon again. Put out more seed for the ducks and geese. Listen to the Green Bay Packers lose to the Indianapolis Colts in overtime.


In the morning walk down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. See many geese grazing all across the lakefront park. Walk home. In the afternoon walk down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. At sunset walk down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. At night drive to Farm and Fleet and Menard’s to buy more seed.

Internet hookup

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and geese. Drive to the office. Unload a large pile of discovery from my car. Work all day at the office. Get an internet hookup. The hotspot was not reliable. No choice. Stay at work until it is dark out. Walk home. Talk on the phone with my dad.

Try to fool the geese

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and geese. Drive to the courthouse. Go in for a couple of court hearings. In the afternoon work at the office. Walk back down to the lagoon. Try to fool the geese by walking there in a different direction and approaching from a different angle. They are not fooled. The run after me to get their food.


In the morning drive to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. A squirrel comes right up to me. I place a peanut out for it. The squirrel grabs it and runs off. Drive to the courthouse. Go in for a preliminary hearing. My client is in quarantine. Case adjourned. Drive out to the House of Correction. Go in to see another client. He is in quarantine too! Drive to Culver’s. Order a cheeseburger and fries at the drive through. Drive home. On my way speed around a slow semi-truck at the on ramp coming off Ryan Road onto I-94. Suddenly get very tired after eating lunch. Take a short nap. Walk down to the lagoon again. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. A blister on my left big toe hurts real bad. Go to Orange Theory.

Little evergreen decoration

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese . A whole flock of geese descends on the lagoon like an airport landing strip. Very graceful. Drive to Racine. Try to see a client in the jail. He is in quarantine. Drive back to Mendard’s. Do a Zoom court hearing while sitting in my car. Buy a nice little evergreen decoration. Take it home. Put it on the deck next to the bird feeders. Still no birds have shown up. Drive to the Criminal Justice Facility. Do one live hearing and one Zoom hearing. Drive back home. Walk down to the lagoon. Put out more seed for the ducks and the geese. Turn on the lights around the little evergreen tree on the deck. Very pretty. Drive to Riverwest. Go to Tai Chi class. Super boring again. Drive home. Lay on the couch until I fall asleep.

It is called off

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. The squirrels are all happy to see me. One squirrel comes right up to me to look at me as I put peanuts on the Bodhi tree. Drive to the courthouse. Go in for a live hearing in a courtroom. Walk to the second floor and sit on a chair to do a couple of hearings over my cell phone. Go over to the State Office Building. Pick up a huge stack of legal papers for a new case. The compact discs spill all over the sidewalk from one of the envelopes. Drive home. Do another hearing over Zoom from my couch. It was supposed to be a live hearing. It is called off. The client is under quarantine at the House of Correction. The judge on the case is also in quarantine. What a fucked up year this is. My right foot is in pain. Really hurts today. Lay on the couch and try a variety of stretches to help ease the agony. At night go to Orangetheory.

Four times to the lagoon

Wake up to a rainy and gray morning. Drive to Menard’s. Buy a bird feeder for my deck. I hope that a nice group of birds is able to find it. The feeder sits five floors up from the street. I decide that I will have to find clever ways to attract some birds to the deck. Poke around the internet for ideas. Walk down to the lagoon four times to feed the ducks and the geese. Listen to NFL games all day. Enjoy the Green Bay Packers victory over the Jacksonville Jaguars.