
In the morning walk down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. The walk home is very exhilirating. Stopping to serve these little animals gives me a high. Walk up to the office. Prepare my cases for tomorrow. Walk down to the lagoon again. The walk home gets brutal. My quads are in fierce pain. I struggle to make it back. Lay down on the couch. Put ice on my legs. Watch the Packers beat down the Philadelphia Eagles. Go to bed early.

They chase me all over the place

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive home. Do a couple of court hearings while sitting on my couch using Zoom. In the afternoon go to the office. Work all afternoon. Have a telephone consultation with a client in prison up north somewhere. At sunset walk to the lagoon again. Put out more seed for the ducks and the geese. There are a ton of geese out there. They chase me all over the place. At night go to Orangetheory.

A beautiful moment to see

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. The water near the shore is partially frozen over. The ducks and geese are on the water right up to the ice. They don’t know what to do at first as I put down the seed along the shore. Slowly they walk up on the ice. It cracks beneath them. They eventually all charge ahead and break up all the ice and come ashore to eat. The sun is rising and everything is bathed in light. It was a beautiful moment to see. Walk up to the office. Do several court hearings while sitting at my desk. Work on a few things. In the afternoon take an invoice for my legal fees down to the courthouse. File it with the Chief Judge for payment. Later do a water change on the fish tank. Go to Orangetheory. Race against a gorgeous woman on the rowing machine while AC/DC blares on the loudspeaker.

Abandoned courthouse

In the morning drive down to the lagoon to put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive to the jail. Go in for a consultation. One for Two. One client has COVID and one does not. Walk around the courthouse. It is mostly abandoned. Leave the building. Do a court hearing while sitting in the stairwell of the MacArthur Square parking garage. Drive home. Put out seed in the parking lot for the tiny birds that gather around my car every day. They eat it all up. In the afternoon walk to the office. Work all afternoon. At night drive to Home Depot to pick up the parts I ordered for my faulty kitchen faucet. Drive to Riverwest. Go in to Tai Chi class. Very boring again.

A chair on the second floor

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. It is cold and windy today. Drive to the courthouse. Go up to the second floor. Sit down on a chair and do a bunch of court hearings over my cell phone. Walk over to the jail. Go in for a consultation. Walk over to the Criminal Justice Facility. Go in for a preliminary hearing. Drive back home. Stop in for a quick lunch. Walk to the office. Work all afternoon. Leave a little early to walk to the bank to make a deposit. Walk home in the harsh cold and fierce wind. Do some laundry and clean up a little. Go to Orangetheory. Get home and lay down on the couch. I feel satisfied with how the day unfolded.

Five hour hike

In the morning walk down to the lagoon. Listen to Musica Antiqua on WORT-FM from Madison. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Walk to the office. Get the files ready for tomorrow. Do some accounting. Walk home. Walk along the river walk heading north. Continue on the river trail all the way to Capitol Drive. Walk down to Culver’s. Get a hot fudge sundae. Eat it outside on the picnic table. The weather suddenly turns sour. It goes from sunny and warm to dark and cloudy and windy cold. Walk east to the lakefront. Walk south back downtown. Stop at the lagoon on the way. Put out seed for the geese. Walk back home. It was a five hour hike.

The moon shines over the lake

In the morning walk down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Try to ride my bike but I get a flat tire on it. Put it away and walk down to the lagoon a couple more times in the afternoon instead. My feet start to hurt. Decide not to go again. Lay down on the couch. Watch college football. Walk out on the deck. Look east and see a full moon rising. Decide that I must walk down to the lake to see it. The moon shines over the lake leaving its reflection just like the sun does in the morning. Put out seed for the geese. They are quiet again like last night. There is a big fight between two geese out on the lagoon though. It is pretty rough. Walk up the Brady Street bridge. Walk to Cathedral Square. The Christmas decorations are everywhere. Walk home. Lay back on the couch. Watch college football.

Geese desk calendar

In the morning walk down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Spend the rest of the day dealing with Verizon and Apple and my cell phone. Finish work using Shutterfly on my geese desk calendar. Order several to give away this year as Christmas presents. At night drive to Farm and Fleet. They finally have bags of whole corn in stock! Buy a couple. Stop at the Burger King drive through for a cheeseburger. Take it home and eat it. Not very good.

Their new television

In the morning walk down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. In the afternoon drive out to Heather’s house for Thanksgiving. Lay back and watch a little football on their new television. Drive home at night. Walk back down to the lagoon. The geese are so much more peaceful at night. They quietly walk up on shore and eat the side while I watch them.

Drive to Racine in the rain

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the geese and the ducks. It is the six geese back again. The ducks are there every time waiting for me. They walk out towards me as they see me coming. Drive to Racine in the rain. Go in for a hearing. I am there with the client in court. All the other cases are on Zoom. Drive back home in the rain. See many little birds in the parking lot eating the seed I put out last night. They bring me a little joy on this dreary day. Do a court hearing on my couch. Take a nap. Raining again all day. No energy. Lay around.