
In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks. They circle above me as I am putting the food around the tree. As I move away from the tree, they circle closer and closer. They being landing in groups. They run to the food in a frenzy. The squirrels are climbing around the tree trunk to get at the peanuts. They are happy to get a nice meal this morning. Drive home. Do a court hearing on my couch over my cell phone. Walk to the office. Do more hearings that morning and in the afternoon over my desk top computer. Walk home. Work around the house. At night go to Orangetheory.

My shoulder is in pain

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks. Nobody is there. Drive home. Do a court hearing on my couch over my cell phone. Work around the house for the rest of the morning. Drive to the jail after lunch. Go in for a consultation. Walk over to the Safety Building. Go in for a motion hearing. Drive home. At night go to Orangetheory. Have trouble falling asleep. My shoulder is in pain.

Fill up the gas tank in Franksville

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. The snow is piled high. Work my way across the deep snow to the Bodhi tree. Put out piles of seed for the ducks. Drive home. Drive down to the jail. Go in for two consultations. Drive out to the House of Correction. Go in for another consultation. Drive to Racine. Fill up the gas tank in Franksville. Go to the courthouse for a hearing. Drive to Oak Creek. Go to the Target store. Drive home. Work around the house. Continuing to organize things and get rid of extraneous stuff.

Walk down Wisconsin Avenue

In the morning drive to the Safety Building. Go in for a bail hearing. Drive home. Walk to the office. Work all day. Walk down Wisconsin Avenue. It is sunny. Walk to the post office. Drop of letters. Walk home. Work around the house. At night go to Orangetheory. Watch “American Beauty” (1999).

Another tour of the Southside

Wake up to a blizzard. It snowed all night. It is still snowing. Walk up to the office. Prepare case for tomorrow. In the afternoon walk to south. Go on another tour of the Southside. Walk south to Bay View. Walk to Lincoln Avenue. Walk west to 27th Street. Struggle to walk though the piles of snow. See people all over digging their cars out of the snow. See them spinning their wheels. Walk north on 27th Street. The sidewalk on the viaduct is covered in slushy snow. Walk out on the street while the traffic whizzes by within inches of me. Walk to Wisconsin Avenue. Walk back home. At night watch “Night on Earth” (1991).

Tour of the Southside

In the morning walk down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks. Nobody is there. The food from yesterday is all gone though. Walk to the office. Do some accounting. Walk home. Work around the house. In the afternoon walk to the southside. Very enjoyable tour of the southside. Go to Bay View. Walk to Lincoln Avenue. Walk west on Lincoln Avenue to 27th Street. Walk north across the viaduct to Wisconsin Avenue. Walk home as the snowfall starts. At night watch “Gung Ho” (1986).

A full moon is setting in the west

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks. Nobody is out here. It is very cold. A full moon is setting in the west as the sun rises in the east. Drive home. Do court hearings while sitting on the couch using the Zoom app. Walk up to the office. Work on several things. Walk home for lunch. Walk back down to the lagoon. Most of the seed is still sitting under the Bodhi tree. Walk home. At night walk up Prospect Avenue to North Avenue. Walk south on Farwell Avenue then up Brady Street. Walk back downtown. Listen to the Milwaukee Bucks lose to the New Orleans Pelicans. Lay on the couch and watch “Eraserhead” (1977). Very weird movie.

Lay around

In the morning walk to the office. Work on several things. Walk home. Take a short nap. Work around the house the rest of the afternoon. Then lay around until bed time.

Fiery colors

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. The sun is rising. The fiery colors are bursting across the horizon. Absolutely beautiful sight. The seed from yesterday is still there. Put down more. No ducks. The squirrels are out though. Drive home. Drive down to the jail. Go in for a consultation. Walk over to the Safety Building. Go in for a court hearing. Drive out to the House of Correction. Go in for a consultation. Drive to Culver’s. Grab lunch. Drive to Farm and Fleet. Pick up more bird seed. Drive back to the Safety Building. Go in for a court hearing. Drive home. Been sore and tired all day. It hits me. Sleep the rest of the afternoon. Wake up. Watch a documentary about David Bowie. Go back to bed again. Sleep….

Fresh blanket of snow

Wake up to a snowstorm. The courthouse is closed. Snow day. Work around the house all morning. Clean the filter on the fish tank. Put new bags of carbon and Purigen. In the afternoon walk to the lagoon. Everything is covered in a fresh blanket of snow. Clear out a spot under the Bodhi tree. Put out seed for the geese. Walk up to Brady Street. Walk back home. Very sore after the walk. Probably shouldn’t have done it.