Water main break

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Arctic cold weather still out here. No ducks or squirrels. Drive home. Walk up to the office. Get files ready for tomorrow. In the afternoon walk back down to the lagoon. The seed from this morning is gone. There are some little birds picking at the leftovers. Put down more corn and sunflower seeds. Walk over the Brady Street bridge. Walk up the Oak Leaf Trail to Farwell Avenue. The street is closed down. There was a water main break. There is a couple who has a car trapped in the quickly freezing water run off. The female is desparately trying to shovel out while the male keeps gunning the car and spinning the wheels. I say to the female “What the fuck?”. She says in response “Yeah, I know!”. Walk back down Farwell Avenue then up Brady Street. Walk back home. At night watch “Down and Out in Beverly Hills” (1986).

Women’s Basketball

In the morning lay around on the couch and play “Forge of Empires”. It is snowing outside. Walk down to the lagoon. Put out a pile of seed for the ducks. Walk home. Watch “The Map of Tiny Perfect Things” (2021) on Amazon Prime. Walk back down to the lagoon. The food from this morning is all gone. Put down another couple of bags of corn and sunflower seeds. Walk up the lakefront to Northpoint Tower. Walk down Farwell Avenue then up Brady Street. Listen to the Milwaukee Panthers Women’s Basketball team win a thriller on Senior Day. Go home and eat a chocolate eclair.

After Hours

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks. Drive home. Drive out to the House of Correction. Go in for consultations. Drive to Farm and Fleet. Buy corn for the ducks. Drive to Sam’s Club. Buy Ice Mountain water and Diet Coke. Drive home. Walk down to the lagoon. There are a handful of ducks sitting under the Bodhi tree. Put out a couple bags of the corn and sunflower seed mix for them. Walk home. At night watch “After Hours” (1985). Very entertaining.

Jump at the chance

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks. Drive home. Drive to the Safety Building. Go in for a hearing. Drive home. Do another court hearing on my couch over my cell phone. Walk to the office. Work on a few things. Walk home. Work around the house. Watch “61*” (2001). At night go to Orangetheory. There is a partner workout on the rowers. I jump at the chance to partner with the beautiful Shaina. We kick ass as a team. Walk home very happy.

Revenge of the Nerds

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Super cold again. Put out seed for the ducks. How are these poor animals surviving in this arctic winter we are having? Drive home. Walk to the office. Work all day on various files. Walk home. Clean up around the house while watching “Revenge of the Nerds” (1984). At night go to Orangetheory.

Not these days

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks. The squirrels are here but no ducks. Drive home. Do some hearings over my cell phone. In the afternoon drive to the courthouse. Go in for a couple of consultations. Sit on the sixth floor of the courthouse all afternoon waiting for my case to be called. The hallways are usually bustling. Not these days.

Point Break

Very poor night of sleep. In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks. The squirrels climb up and down the tree grabbing peanuts. No ducks. Food from yesterday is gone. Drive to the Safety Building. Go in for jury trial. Case is adjourned. Not enough jurors available for our case. Drive home. Take a nap. Work around the house. Go to Orangetheory. Very difficult floor block routine tonight. Lay on the couch afterwards and watch “Point Break” (1991).

Below zero handled

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. It is below zero. Put out seed for the ducks. The food from yesterday is gone. They are getting it. Drive home. Walk to the office. Work on a few things for tomorrow. In the afternoon walk back down to the lagoon. They food from this morning is gone. Put a little more down for them. Walk up the lakefront path. Walk up the stairway to the Northpoint water tower. Walk over to Farwell Avenue. Walk down to Brady Street. Walk back home. I did not think that I could handle a three hour walk in below zero windchills, but I did!

Look back towards the rising sun

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks. Nobody is there. Walk out on the frozen lagoon. Look back towards the rising sun. Drive home. Sit around for a while. Walk back down to the lagoon in the afternoon. Put out more seed. The food from this morning is all gone. Walk home. At night walk around downtown to get to 20,000 steps on my Fitbit. Watch the movie “My Favorite Year” (1982).

They wait

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. It is very cold. Put down seed for the ducks. They hover above me. They land close to the tree. They wait there for me to clear out. I move back. They move in. Drive home. Do a court hearing on my couch over my cell phone. In the afternoon drive to the jail. Go in for a consultation. Go to court for a sentencing hearing. At night watch “Malcolm X” (1992).