Car troubles

In the morning walk down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the geese and the ducks. Walk home. Put the spare tire on my car. Throw the flat tire in the trunk. Struggle to get the lug nuts off. Drive to Firestone on 27th Street. Get a new tire. Drive to Heather’s house. Have dinner. Celebrate Emmet’s birthday. Sit around until it gets late talking about my desire to get a new car.

Get a haircut after work

In the morning walk to the office. Work all day while doing hearings over my computer. Go to get a haircut after work. Later walk down to the lagoon. Put out seed for a handful of geese that show up. Walk back home.

Very quick hearing

In the morning walk to court. Go in for a very quick hearing. Walk to the office. Work the rest of the morning. In the afternoon do a couple of court hearings on my cell phone. After work walk down to the lagoon. Put out some seed for the geese and the ducks. Walk up to Northpoint. Walk back down Farwell Avenue. Walk up Brady Street. Walk home. At night watch “Jimmy Carter: Rock and Roll President” (2020).

A break from the grind

In the morning walk to the courthouse. Go in for a couple of hearings. Walk over to the jail for a consultation. Walk home. Along the way stop at George Webb’s to pick up a cheeseburger and fries for lunch. In the afternoon walk down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Two geese spot me and fly over to me as they honk loudly. They eat. Walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Walk up North Avenue. Follow the riverwalk back downtown. Walk home as the sun sets. Enjoy a nice break from the grind.

Crisp sunny morning

In the morning wake up early to have extra time to walk down to the lagoon. It is a crisp sunny morning. Walk down to the Bodhi tree. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Walk home. Get ready. Walk to the courthouse. Finish up the Jury Trial. Walk home. At night watch “The King’s Speech” (2010).

Have to walk to court

In the morning walk down to my car. Discover that it has a flat tire. Have to walk to court. Go to the courthouse for a Jury Trial. On the way as I walk to the courthouse, see the prior attorney who was on the case before I took it over. Spend all day at the courthouse for the jury trial. Fight through an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion. Walk home from the courthouse. Stop at George Webb’s on the way to pick up a cheeseburger and fries. Watch “Going in Style” (2017). Go to bed early.

American Family Field

In the morning walk down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Walk to the office. Pack up my files for next week. Walk back down to the lagoon a second time. Put out more seed for the ducks and the geese. In the afternoon walk to the west. Walk all the way to the stadium formerly known as Miller Park. Walk out to see the new sign for the renamed “American Family Field”. Walk home.

Xena on the sidewalk

In the morning walk down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks. Walk to the office. Work the rest of the morning. In the afternoon walk to the south side. Stop at Lorena’s house. Hang out for a while. Xena is there. Play with her on the sidewalk. She is always smiling. Walk home. My feet are in great pain. Do some stretches based on Youtube videos discussing plantar fasciitis. My feet feel way better! Walk back down to the lakefront. Put out more seed for the ducks. Walk up to Brady Street. Walk back home. It was unseasonably warm and sunny today.

South of the tower

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks. They circle overhead until I back away. Then they begin landing and run to the food. Drive home. Sit around the house all day doing court hearings over my cell phone. In the afternoon walk back down to the lagoon. Put out more seed for the ducks. Walk up to Northpoint Tower. Get a slice of pizza at Ian’s. Eat the slice while sitting on a bench just south of the tower. Walk down Farwell Avenue then up Brady Street. Walk home. Watch “Stranger than Paradise” (1984).

Decide that I am too sore

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks. Drive home. Drive to the courthouse. Go in for a Zoom hearing then go to a courtroom for a real hearing. Drive home. In the afternoon work at the office. Decide that I am too sore to keep going. Cancel Orangetheory. Watch “Green Lantern” (2011).