Bike repairs are done

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive to the office. Do a court hearing on my desktop computer over Zoom. Drive to the courthouse. Go to the jail for a consultation. Walk over to the preliminary hearing court. The clerk gives me a cupcake. It is her birthday. In the afternoon walk to Bay View. Walk to Wheel and Sprocket. Pick up my bike. Repairs are done. New tires, new chain, new kick stand, and it is all cleaned up. Ride my bike all over the city.

Art deco style

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive to the House of Correction. Go in for a consultation. Drive to Racine. Go in for a hearing at the Racine County Courthouse. It is an art deco style building that was constructed in 1931. Drive home. Watch “The Witches of Eastwick” (1987). Not very good. Many scenes were just too disgusting to watch. At night go to Orangetheory.

A variety of grey hues

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive home. Walk up to the office. Work all day on a variety of files. Later walk to Best Fish. Purchase live brine shrimp for the fishes dinner. Walk back home. The sky is colored in a variety of gray hues. My right heel gets very sore. Work around the house. At night watch “Mrs. Doubtfire” (1993).

Fantastic Planet

In the morning drive to the office. Go in to retrieve a file. Drive to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive to the courthouse. Go in for a hearing. Go over to the jail for a consultation. Drive home. In the afternoon attend two more court hearings over my iPhone using the Zoom app. Work around the house. Watch “Fantastic Planet” (1973).

Get everything done

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive to the courthouse. Go in for several hearings. In the afternoon drive back home. Work around the house. Get everything done today. At night go to Orangetheory. Watch “Amistad” (1997).

George Washington

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive to the jail. Go in for a consultation. Drive to Sam’s Club. Go in to buy soda and water. Drive home. In the afternoon walk north up 12th Street. Walk to North Avenue. Turn east. Walk to Riverwest. Walk to Locust Avenue. Turn east again. Walk down to the lakefront. Finish listening to the very long audio book on George Washington written by Ron Chernow. Walk home. At night watch “Rain Man” (1988).

I was trying for Layton Avenue

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Walk to the office. Work on files for next week. In the afternoon walk south to Howard Avenue. I was trying for Layton Avenue but my feet got too sore to keep going. Turn around and walk home. Watch “Tombstone” (1993). Not impressed with that movie at all.

The winds are much calmer today

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive to the courthouse. Go in for preliminary hearings. Drive home for lunch. Drive back to the courthouse in the afternoon. Go in for more preliminary hearings. Drive home. In the afternoon walk down to the lakefront. The winds are much calmer today. Stop by the lagoon again. The ducks are all still out there. They jump on the seed that I put out for them.

Zach Snyder’s Justice League

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive to the jail. Go in for consultations. Drive to the House of Correction. Go in for another consultation. It is super windy out all day. Watch “Zach Snyder’s Justice League” (2021).

Jumps up and down

In the morning drive down to the lagoon in my new car. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive home. Walk to the office. Work for a short while. Drive out to Lorena’s house. Play with Xena on the sidewalk. She jumps up and down when she sees me. Drive home. Walk to accupuncture appointment. A couple of the needles hurt. One needle causes an electrical shock to run down my leg. Walk home. Get my bike. Walk it to Bay View. The back tire is flat. Drop it off for new tires and a tune up. Walk home. My arm is sore from the Coronavirus shot that I got a week ago. I read up on it. I read that it is a possible side effect and that I should not worry. So why worry?