Weird reflections in the glass

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. The sickly looking goose is always the first to come to me. Drive to the office. Do hearings at my desk over the Zoom app. It gets dark and suddenly rains outside while I am in the middle of a sentencing hearing. At sunset take a picture of the fish that creates weird reflections in the glass. At night go to Orangetheory. Watch “Barbarosa” (1982).

Fisherman’s Memorial

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Ride my bike north on the Oak Leaf trail. Ride all the way out to Port Washington. Walk out on the marina to see the Fisherman’s Memorial. Ride home a little more sore than when I started. At night watch “Dances with Wolves” (1990).

Ride it out to the end

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive home. Walk to the office. Work the rest of the morning. In the afternoon ride my bike west on the Hank Aaron trail. Ride it out to the end in Brookfield. Ride back home. Drive to Heather’s house. It is Elise’s birthday. Eat pizza and cake.

First passengers in my new car

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. There is one goose that looks very rough and walk with a limp. I chase off the other geese for a while to allow that goose time to get his share of the food. Drive to the office. Do a court hearing over my desktop computer. Drive to the House of Correction. Go in for a consultation. Drive to Lorena’s house. Play on the sidewalk with Xena. Drive to a furniture store on Mitchell Street. Go in to interview a witness. Lorena and Xena come along. They are the first passengers in my new car. Drive home. At sunset go to accupuncture appointment. Lay flat on the table with needles sticking in my legs and hands while watching the reflections of the setting sun on the buildings across the street.

The Natural

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. It is very cold this morning. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive to the office. Do a couple of hearings over my desktop computer on Zoom. Drive to the jail. Go in for a couple of consultations. Drive home for lunch. Drive back to the courthouse. Go in for a preliminary hearing. Drive home. It is opening day in baseball. Watch “The Natural” (1984). The Brewers comeback in the bottom of the ninth inning to tie the game with the Twins. They win in the 10th inning. At night go to Orangetheory. Ride the stationary bike instead of going on the treadmill.

Ride out to Donges Bay Road

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Chase off one goose who is attacking the other geese trying to eat. Drive home. Walk to the office. Work all morning. In the afternoon ride my bike north on the Oak Leaf Trail. Cross into Ozaukee County. Ride out to Donges Bay Road. Ride back home. Walk back to the office to draft a motion. At night go to Orangetheory.

Seance on a wet afternoon

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive to the courthouse. Go in for jury trial. There all day. Do a very good job. Client and his family are very satisfied. Drive home. Tired. Lay on the couch. Watch “Seance on a Wet Afternoon” (1964).

The Towering Inferno

In the morning drive to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive to the courthouse. Go in for hearings. In the afternoon do jury selection for a trial. Drive home. Work around the house. At night go to Orangetheory. Watch “The Towering Inferno” (1974).

The tiger is laying on his back asleep

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive home. Ride my bike up the Hank Aaron Trail. Ride to the zoo. Go in to see the animals. I am disappointed that so many of the animals are not outside to entertain me. Even the tiger is laying on his back asleep. Boring time at the zoo. Ride back home. In the late afternoon ride up the Oak Leaf trail to Capitol Drive. Stop at Culver’s to pick up a cheeseburger and fries. Ride home.

Ride my bike out to 23rd and Layton

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive home. Walk to the office. Work on a ide variety of files. Walk home. In the afternoon ride my bike out to 23rd and Layton. Ride east to 6th Street. Ride back home.