Bugline Trail

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive home. Ride my bike north on the Oak Leaf trail. Ride out to Mequon Road. Ride west then cut over to Donges Bay Road. Ride to Pilgrim Road. Cut over to County Line Road. Ride to Maple Road. Go south to the Bugline Trail. Ride through the Lannon quarry. Ride the Bugline Trail to the end out in the Village of Merton. Go Fireman’s Park. Sit on a bench. Ride all the way back home. Start to hurt. This was a very long bike ride. Lay on the couch. Watch “Henry Poole Is Here” (2008). Also watch a documentary on the life of Miles Davis.

Funeral procession

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive home. Do a little housework and do a water change on the fish tank. Tired most of the day. In the afternoon ride my bike north on the Oak Leaf trail. Ride back downtown by way of Teutonia Avenue. Along the way stop to watch a funeral procession go by. There is a girl twerking out the window of a car. Another guy is holding up a pile of money spread out like a fan. There are many young people hanging on top of cars and out the windows. Ride my bike home. At night watch “The Prestige” (2006).

Peaceful with each other

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. It is a nice sunny morning. The geese are peaceful with each other for the most part. Drive to the office. Go in and finish work on motion brief. In the afternoon do a consultation over the phone with an incarcerated client. Ride my bike on the Hank Aaron trail. At night watch “Total Recall” (1990).


In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive home. Walk to the office. Work all day on a motion brief. Do Zoom hearings here and there. Do a consultation over the phone with an incarcerated person as well. At night go to Orangetheory. Struggle to get motivated. At night watch “Waterworld” (1995).

Sudden snowstorm

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. A cute girl stops to talk to me. Tells me that I am doing a wonderful thing for them. Drive to the office. Work all morning. Do a couple of Zoom hearings. Drive home. A sudden snowstorm hits. Walk back to the office. Work until around 3:30 P.M. Walk back down to the lagoon. The ducks are all still mostly hanging out at the same spot. Put down a bag of seed. Later ride my bike to the planter over the Canal Street bridge where the goose couple is making babies. Put down some whole corn. The male confronts me even though I am helping his family.

Happy Meal

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive to the courthouse. Go in for a sentencing hearing. Drive to McDonald’s. Get a Happy Meal for Xena. Drive to Lorena’s house. Sit at a table with Xena and eat our lunch. The Happy Meal has a Princess Arial figurine inside. Run around on the sidewalk with Xena for a little while. Drive back to the courthouse. Go in for another sentencing hearing. Stop at the State Office Building again to pick up a client’s file. Nothing is ready for me again. Wait around. Go to Domino’s on Wisconsin Avenue to pick up a pizza for dinner. At night watch “The Eagle Has Landed” (1976).

State Office Building

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive to the office. Work on several things. Do a Zoom hearing. Drive to the House of Correction. Go in for consultations. Drive to Pick N’ Save. Buy two doughnuts for lunch. Drive back downtown. Go to the jail for a consultation. Walk to the Safety Building. Sit on a bench on the fourth floor. Do a Zoom hearing from there. Walk down to the third floor. Go in for a sentencing hearing. Client gets a really awesome deal from the judge. Walk to the State Office Building to pick up a file from the Public Defender’s Office. The file is not ready. Leaving with nothing. Drive home. At night go to Orangetheory.

Half masked and Half free

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Ride my bike west on the Hank Aaron trail. Ride west on the New Berlin trail. Ride west on the Glacial Drumlin trail. Ride to Wales Station. Ride over to the grocery store. Go in to buy a few things. I am amazed that half the customers are wearing masks and half of them are not. I call it Half masked and Half free. Ride back home. At night watch “Black Narcissus” (1947). 

Very long train

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive to the office. Work all morning. Drive home. Do a water change on the fish tank. Put down a new layer of white sand in the tank. The fish think they are in a different place in the river now. In the afternoon ride my bike west. Get caught by a very long train. This delays my departure. Ride west on the Hank Aaron trail. Ride further west on the New Berlin trail. Ride again out to Waukesha highway DT. At night watch “The Candidate” (1972).

Magic bouncy ball

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive to the office. Go in to do a Zoom hearing from my destop computer. Drive to the House of Correction. Go in for a consultation. Stop at Farm and Fleet. Buy more seed for the ducks and the geese. Buy a magic bouncy ball that lights up. Drive to Lorena’s house. Play on the sidewalk with Xena. We skip. We run backwards. We pick dandelions. We play catch with the magic bouncy ball. Drive home. In the afternoon ride my bike on the southern half of the Oak Leaf trail.