Angry Bird

In the morning go to the office. Work on a few items. Drive to the courthouse. Go in for a court hearing. Drive to Sam’s Club. Buy Diet Coke and Ice Mountain water. Drive to Lorena’s house. Xena gets a little Angry Bird toy in her Happy Meal. I set the Angry Bird on the table. I talk for the Angry Bird. “I am here to judge you”, the Angry Bird says. “What is your deal?”, he asks. “What is up with you?”, he asks. She loves it. Drive back home. Walk down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Walk home. Take a quick power nap. Walk to the office. Set up my work for the rest of the week. Walk around the Third Ward until my Fitbit hits 20,000 steps.

Getting enough to eat

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Run around to different courts. At the end of the morning the jury reaches a verdict. Drive home. Eat lunch. In the afternoon walk down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. There are two vans full of other people throwing out bread. They are all getting enough to eat this time of year. At night go to Orangetheory. After drive to the grocery store. Listen to the Milwaukee Bucks stomp all over the Miami Heat. Bucks up 2-0 in the series.


In the morning walk down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Walk to the office. Work on several files. Rain on and off all afternoon. Watch “Parallel” (2018).

No struggling to get there

Wake up to a warm and sunny day. Walk down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Walk home. In the afternoon ride my bike to Wales Station. The ride is quite easy. No struggling to get there at all. Listen to the Milwaukee Bucks win an overtime thriller against the Miami Heat in game one of the first round of the NBA playoffs.

Waiting for a verdict

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive to the courthouse. Make my closing argument to the jury. Do a good job. Hang around all afternoon waiting for a verdict. No decision. Trial adjourned to Monday. Drive home. It is raining. I would have liked to get out on my bike. Lay around instead. Watch “Rocky Balboa” (2006).

Spring flowers are blooming

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Continue the jury trial. Drive home for lunch. Drive back to the courthouse. Drive home. Walk up to the office. Work on several files. Walk home. Stop to see the spring flowers are blooming. At night watch “Rocky IV” (1985).

More of the jury trial

In the morning drive to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive to the courthouse. Go in for more of the jury trial. All day at the courthouse doing the jury trial. Drive home after court. At night watch “Rocky III” (1982).

Xena is not there today

In the morning drive to the courthouse. I have to be there early so there is no time to stop for the ducks and geese. Feel bad about that. Spend all morning at the courthouse on the jury trial. Over the lunch break drive to Lorena’s house. Xena is not there today. That sucks. Hang out and talk to Lorena for a little while. Drive back to the courthouse. Spend all afternoon continuing with the jury trial. Do a good job cross examing the witnesses. The client finally gives me a compliment. Says he didn’t know before that I was a shark. At night watch “Rocky II” (1979).

I am a robot, what do you want me to do?

In the morning drive to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Drive to the courthouse. Run around the building going to different courtrooms for several hearings. I have not had a day in court like that since the Covid pandemic began. Over my lunch break drive to Lorena’s house. Play with Xena on the sidewalk. Today she is pretending to be a robot. She says: “I am a robot, what do you want me to do?”. She walks and moves her arms and legs like a robot. She comes up with all kinds of stuff. I love it. Drive back to the courthouse in the afternoon. Start jury selection in my case. At night go to Orangetheory. Do a poor job working out. Watch “Rocky” (1976).

Holy Hill, baseball and Oconomowoc

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Hook my bike up to the bike rack. Drive out to Swallow School. Unhook my bike. Ride to Holy Hill. Ride up to the Cathedral. Go inside. Ride to Monches. Stop to see the Land O’ Lakes baseball game. Eat lunch at a picnic table. Ride west to Oconomowoc. The streets are alive with people and traffic. Ride east to Hartland. Ride back to Swallow School. Hook up my bike. Drive off. It partially falls of the rack on Highway 16. Get out and fix it. No damage. Drive home.