Bring me Play-Doh!

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for a bunch of hearings. Some on Zoom and some in live court. Xena calls my phone and leaves a voice message. “Bring me Play-Doh!”, she says. After court drive to Target. Buy some Play-Doh. Drive to Lorena’s house. Xena and I sit on the sidewalk and have fun with the Play-Doh. We make ourselves tacos and pizza and lemonade drinks. We also make circles and squares and triangles. We run up and down the sidewalk too. Drive back to the courthouse. Go in for more hearings. Drive home. At night go to Orangetheory. Walk home as it starts to rain.

We have a great time

In the morning walk to the office. Work on a few files. Make a phone call to a client away in prison. Ride my bike to Lorena’s house. Hang out with Xena. She is all worried about why I didn’t go over in my car. We have a great time. In the afternoon walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Walk up to Farwell Avenue. Walk down to Brady Street. Walk back home.

Hans Christian Heg

Ride my bike southwest to the Town of Norway. Go to Heg Park. Learn about Hans Christian Heg. Born in Norway he came with his family to Wisconsin when he was 11 years old. He became an anti-slavery activist. He was elected commissioner of the state prison in Waupun. He served as a Colonel in the Civil War. He was killed in the Battle of Chickamauga on September 20, 1863.

Sunrise to sunset

In the morning walk down to the lagoon. Throw out pieces of bread for the geese swimming in Lake Michigan. They gobble it all up. Walk back home. Do a water change on the fish tank. In the early afternoon walk around downtown. In the late afternoon drive to Heather’s house. Eat a hamburger off the grill and a dish of vanilla ice cream for desert. Sunrise to sunset it was a good day.

Parade; Baseball; Carnival

In the morning ride my bike to Brookfield. Ride to the intersection of Calhoun Road and North Avenue. Watch the Fourth of July parade. Ride my bike to McCoy Field. Stop to watch the Land o’ Lakes baseball game. See one of my coaches from Orangetheory. She gives me a hug. Ride my bike south to New Berlin. Stop at Malone Park. Walk around the carnival. Get a plate of ribs. Ride home. At night listen to the Milwaukee Bucks win game 6 of the Eastern Conference Finals against the Atlanta Hawks. Bucks win the series. Now its on to the NBA Finals.

All-American girl

In the morning walk to the office. Work for a short time. Drive to Dollar Tree. Buy an American flag and a little patriotic crown for Xena. Drive to Lorena’s house. Take out the little crown and tell Xena: “Look what I got for you to wear on the Fourth of July”. She says: “Can I wear it now though?”. I give it to her. She puts it on and proudly waves the American flag on the sidewalk. Xena is an All-American girl. In the late afternoon walk along the lakefront up to Northpoint. Walk west to Farwell Avenue. Walk down to Brady Street. Walk up Brady Street. Walk back home.

A little colder for this time of year

In the morning walk to the office. Make a court appearance over Zoom. Have a telephone consultation with a client away in prison. Work on a few files. Walk home. In the afternoon walk around downtown. It is sunny but a little colder for this time of year. Listen to the Milwaukee Bucks win game five of the playoff series against the Atlanta Hawks.


In the morning go to the office. Work on several files. Drive to the jail and drop off a disc for a client to review. Drive to the post office. Drop off some mail. See Cubs fans walking from the train station. They look confident. In the afternoon the Brewers complete a three game sweep of the Cubs. Drive to Lorena’s house. Give Xena a Scoopie doll from Culver’s. She has fun with the doll. She whips it around. Tosses it in the air. Throws it on the sidewalk. We run up and down the sidewalk pretending to be scared of spiders that live on the fire hydrant. Drive back home. Do a telephone consultation with a client away in prison. Ride my bike west on the Hank Aaron trail then on the New Berlin trail. My left calf muscles are sore again today. Ride home. Lay on the couch to recover.

Gives way to a gorgeous sunset

In the morning drive to the jail. Go in for a couple of consultations. Drive home. A massive rainstorm hits. Everything is flooded. This gives way to a gorgeous sunset. At night watch “Sudden Impact” (1983).

The sunny southside

In the morning walk to the office. Work on a variety of files. Walk home. Eat lunch. Clean the apartment. Ride my bike on the sunny southside. At night watch “Birdman” (2014).