Out to 124th Street

In the morning walk to the office. Catch up on the stuff that has been piling up while I was in the jury trial all week. In the afternoon ride my bike out to 124th Street. Stop at Culver’s for lunch. Ride bike home. Listen to the Milwaukee Bucks win game 5 of the NBA Championship Series. They are one win away from winning the title.

What the hell

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for jury trial. There all day again. After court ride my bike to Lorena’s house. Drop off a birthday card for Kristine. Probably shouldn’t do that, but what the hell. Ride my bike back home.

Early summer evening

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Testimony continues all day in the jury trial. After court walk to the grocery store. Buy a few items. Walk home. It is nice and sunny on this early summer evening.

Sneak out

In the morning drive to the courthouse. A new jury panel walks in. It is a much more widely diverse panel this time. Pick a jury in the morning and start testimony in the case in the afternoon. Sneak out over lunch to go hang out with Xena. She is very happy to see me. At night go to Orangetheory.

All white

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for jury trial. Do jury selection. It is an all white jury panel. Ask the judge to toss them. He agrees. The trial will start all over tomorrow morning. Walk to the office after court. Work for a while.

On hold

In the morning drive to the courthouse. My trial is put on hold. Told to return tomorrow. Drive home. Watch “The Matrix” (1999). At night go to Orangetheory.

President Chester Arthur

In the morning walk down to the lakefront. Walk to the office. Pack up my files for a busy week ahead. In the afternoon walk south to Bay View. Walk to Lincoln Avenue. Walk west to Leon’s Custard stand. Get an ice cream cone. Walk north on 27th Street. Walk south on Wisconsin Avenue. Finish listening to an audiobook on the life of President Chester Arthur.


In the morning walk to the office. Work on several files. In the afternoon walk back to the office. Prep a case for trial on Monday. Walk home. Drive to the jail. Go in for a consultation. At night watch “Brubaker” (1980).


In the morning drive to Racine. Go to the courthouse for a hearing. No mask requirement! Drive home. In the afternoon walk to the office. Work on setting up several new files that have come in. Walk home. Go to Orangetheory. The class is a rowdy one. My left knee is very sore afterwards. Walk to Cathedral Square. It is a nice summer evening.

Sliver of light

In the morning go to the office. Do court hearings over Zoom. Drive to the jail. Go in for a consultation. Drive home. In the afternoon do more hearings over the Zoom app. Walk around the Third Ward. It was cloudy and cold all day. A sliver of light breaks out at sunset.