Butterflies and flowers

In the morning walk to the office. Do a court hearing over Zoom. Work on closing some cases. In the afternoon walk along the river walk out to Gordon Park. Walk past a shed with butterflies and flowers painted on the side. Walk east on Locust Street to Lake Park. Walk along the lakefront back downtown. At night watch “Michael Clayton” (2007).

Sidewalk chalk

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Do a bunch of hearings in court and out in the hallway on Zoom. Drive to Lorena’s house. Bring Xena a box of sidewalk chalk. We draw pictures on the sidewalk. We make a hopscotch board. Xena jumps around. We had fun. In the afternoon walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Walk west on North Avenue. Walk along the river back downtown. Go to Orangetheory. Do the 2000 meter challenge on the rower.

Follow three Brewers fans

In the morning drive to the jail. Go in for a consultation. In the afternoon walk south to Bay View. Walk west on Lincoln Avenue to 13th Street. Walk south to Oklahoma Avenue. Walk west to 45th Street. Walk north on Miller Park Way. Follow three Brewers fans as they walk from National Avenue down to the ballpark. The Brewers are playing the Chicago White Sox. Walk to the parking lot to see all the tailgaters. Walk home as the sun sets.

Medicare for all

Very warm and nice summer day. Walk to Red Arrow Park. Stop to see a “Medicare for all” rally. Walk north on the river walk. Walk out to Capitol Drive. Walk to Culver’s. Get a hot fudge sundae. A pop up rain shower hits while I am there. Continue walking east to the lakefront. Walk south along the lakefront.


In the morning walk to the office. Do several court hearings over Zoom. Drive to Lorena’s house. Give Xena a Blue’s Clues watch. She loves it. Walk back to the office. Work for a while. Walk to the jail. Go in for a consultation. At sunset walk out to Lakeshore State Park. At night watch “Reds” (1981).

Parade excitment!

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for a preliminary hearing. Drive back home. Walk up to Wisconsin Avenue. Watch the Milwaukee Bucks victory parade go down the street. Lots of parade excitement! In the afternoon walk to the office. Do a court hearing over Zoom. Later walk through downtown and up Water Street to Humboldt. Walk to North Avenue. Walk east to the lakefront. Finish listening to an audiobook on President Grover Cleveland.


In the morning walk to the office. Work on several files. In the afternoon walk to the jail. Go in for a consultation. Walk back to the office. After work walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Walk to Ian’s pizza. Go in for a couple of slices. Walk down Farwell Avenue. Walk up Brady Street. Walk back home.

NBA championship

In the morning walk to the office. Do a court hearing over Zoom. Drive to Lorena’s house. Play with Xena on the sidewalk. Drive to the courthouse. Go in for court hearings. Drive home. At night walk along the lakefront. Walk to Lake Park. See a deer standing next to the park. It stares at me. This is an omen for a good night for the Milwaukee Bucks. Walk to Brady Street. Stop at Nomad. Watch the Bucks win the NBA championship. Bucks in six. Walk down to the Fiserv Forum. There are people all over the place celebrating. Cars in the streets are honking. Fireworks are going off. Walk up Wisconsin Avenue. The celebration goes on after midnight.

Eyes Wide Shut

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for jury trial. The jury reaches a verdict in the afternoon. Drive home. Walk to the grocery store. It is a nice day. At night watch “Eyes Wide Shut” (1999).


In the morning drive up to the jail. Go in for two consultations with clients. Drive home. In the afternoon walk south to Bay View. Walk west to 13th Street. Walk south to Oklahoma Avenue. Stop at a little park next to a sign depicting the ancient Sumerian goddess Nanshe. Walk west to 16th Street. Walk north. Stop at the Comales for tacos. Walk to Wisconsin Avenue. Walk east.