The Song Remains the Same

In the morning walk to the office. Do a couple of hearings over Zoom. Finish work on the motion to suppress statements to the police. In the afternoon work more at the office. Do more hearings over Zoom. At night watch “The Song Remains the Same” (1976).

Ignatian Year

In the morning walk to the office. Do a slew of court hearings over Zoom. Work all afternoon at the office on a bunch of other stuff. This week I have worked way more than at any time over the past several weeks. Walk up to Marquette University. There are signs on all the light poles declaring the Ignatian Year. This is because it was 500 years ago, in 1521, that the founder of the Society of Jesus, St. Ignatius of Loyola, was injured in the battle of Pamplona. His right leg was shattered by a cannonball. While recovering from his wounds, Ignatius began to think about God all the time. He later became a priest and in 1539 formed the Order of the Society of Jesus.

Way more money

In the morning walk to the office. Work all morning on a motion to suppress a confession. In the afternoon drive to the jail. Do a consultation. Walk over to the courthouse. Go in for a couple of hearings. Negotiate an insurance settlement. Get way more money than I even asked for at the start of the negotiation. I am amazed. At night go to Orangetheory. Watch “News of the World” (2020).

I am turned away

In the morning walk to the office. Do a few court hearings over Zoom. In the afternoon drive to the jail. Go in for a consultation. I am turned away. My client is Covid positive. I can’t believe this is still happening. Drive home. At night go to Orangetheory. First time back in a month. Listen to the Packers crush the Detroit Lions on Monday Night Football.

Gigantic blister

In the morning walk up the Oak Leaf Trail out to the Brady Street bridge. Cross the bridge and walk down to the Summerfet grounds. In the afternoon walk south to Bay View. Walk up Lincoln Avenue then wind around side streets over to National Avenue. Walk to American Family Field. Watch the game from the center field wall outside the stadium. Walk up to Wisconsin Avenue. Walk home. Get a gigantic blister on my left big toe.

Greenfield Bilingual School

In the morning walk to the office. In the afternoon walk south to Bay View. Walk west to 35th Street. Stop at the Greenfield Bilingual School. This is Xena’s school. Cross the 35th Street viaduct. Walk east on Wisconsin Avenue back home.

It sounds distorted

In the morning drive to the jail. Go in for consultations. Walk over to the Safety Building. Go in for a dismissal. Client is thrilled. In the afternoon walk to the UW-Milwaukee student union. Walk back home along the lakefront. The music blaring from Summerfest is too loud. It sounds distorted. At night watch “Midnight in Paris” (2011).

Sunlight bounces

In the morning walk to the office. Work on a motion to suppress evidence. In the afternoon walk to UW-Milwaukee. Wind my way back downtown while the sunlight bounces off the big buildings all around me.