More winning!!

In the morning walk around downtown and put out peanuts for the squirrels. In the afternoon walk north on the Oak Leaf trail out to Locust Street. Listen to the Milwaukee Bucks come back to beat the Boston Celtics. Walk to UW-Milwaukee. Walk south on Downer Avenue to North Avenue. Walk down Farwell Avenue to Brady Street. Listen to the Green Bay Packers beat the Cleveland Browns in a close game. More winning!!

Doctor Zhivago

In the morning drive to Target to pick up a couple more Christmas presents. Drive home. Wrap up the presents while watching the first half of Doctor Zhivago (1965). Drive to Lorena’s house. Drop off my presents for her and Xena. Drive to Waukesha. Open presents and eat steaks at Heather’s house. Have a great time. Drive home in the fog. Watch the rest of Doctor Zhivago.


In the morning drive out to Brookfield. Drive up and down Blue Mound Road to do my Christmas shopping. Drive home. Walk around downtown. Stop at a tree and throw out cracked corn for some pigeons. They devour every piece. Stop at Ian’s for a slice of pizza. At night go to Orangetheory. Do more damage to my lower back.

Marathon County Courthouse

In the morning get an oil change on my car. Drive to the Marathon County Courthouse. Go in for a meeting with my client in the jail. Walk over to the courthouse. Go in for a hearing. It starts snowing outside. Drive to Milwaukee. Almost fall asleep on the freeway a couple of times. Go to the courthouse for a hearing. Drive home. Go to bed early.


In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for live hearings and Zoom hearings. In the afternoon drive to Rothschild, Wisconsin. Check in to a hotel that is mostly empty. Walk to the Cedar Creek Cinemas. Watch “Spiderman: No Way Home” (2021).

Hold on

In the morning do a water change on the fish tank. In the afternoon walk along the lakefront to the Brady Street Bridge. Walk up the Oak Leaf trail to North Avenue. Listen to the Packers hold on to beat the Baltimore Ravens, 31-30.

Depressed today

Left knee stays sore all day. Despite that walk over 20,000 steps. At night walk around downtown. Stop at the office and write up a letter demanding money for my client. Walk to the post office and mail it out. I was kind of depressed today.

Decide against it

In the morning walk to the office. Do a bunch of hearings over Zoom. In the afternoon do another Zoom hearing. Walk home. Try to walk some more at night but my left knee is too sore. Decide against it.


In the morning walk to the office. Do a couple of court hearings over Zoom. Walk home. Make a phone call to consult with a client up in prison. Walk around downtown and put out peanuts for the squirrels. It is very windy. In the afternoon walk back to the office. Do another court hearing over Zoom.