Continue walking peacefully

In the late morning walk to the office. Work for a while. In the afternoon ride my bike up to Capitol Drive. Get out and walk north to Glendale. Walk back to my bike along the Oak Leaf trail. See the huge traffic jam from the trail overlooking 1-43. There was a hide speed chase and shout out with the police out there. Continue peacefully walking along the trail. Get back to my bike. Ride home.

An enjoyable hike

In the morning walk to the office. Work for a while. Walk home. Take a short nap. In the afternoon ride my bike to 76th Street. Walk west on the Hank Aaron trail out to 108th Street. Walk north to Watertown Plank Road. Walk east to 70th Street. Walk back to my bike. It was an enjoyable hike. Ride home.

Construction going on here

In the morning drive to the House of Correction. Go in for a consultation. Drive home. Eat lunch. In the afternoon drive to the courthouse. Go in for a hearing. Drive home. It is really hot outside. Walk to Marquette University. Always some construction going on here. Walk around there a while. Walk home.

Three preliminary hearings

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for three preliminary hearings. Drive home. In the afternoon ride my bike out to 84th Street. Walk south to Greenfield Avenue. Walk west to 108th Street. Walk north to Bluemound Road. Walk east to 84th Street. Ride my bike back home.

Two rainstorms pass through

In the morning do very little as a rainstorm passes through. Later drive to 84th Street. Get out and walk on the Hank Aaron trail. See a fox running towards me. It runs up the hill and out of sight. Walk north to Watertown Plank Road. Walk back to my car. Drive to Heather’s house. Eat a steak dinner. Another large rainstorm passes through. Drive home.

Xena takes a long drink

In the morning walk to the office. Work for a few hours. Walk home. In the afternoon ride my bike to Lorena’s house. Run around in the backyard with Xena. We stop for a break. She takes a bottle of Diet Coke from my backpack and takes a long drink. She enjoys it. Ride my bike back home.

It was a nice day

In the morning drive out to the House of Correction. Go in for a consultation. Drive to the courthouse. Go in for a hearing. Drive home. Eat lunch. Drive back to the courthouse. Stay there all afternoon for more hearings. Drive home. Ride my bike on the Oak Leaf trial and go north of Locust Street. Walk east to Lake Drive. Walk north to Capitol Drive. Walk west back to the Oak Leaf trail. Walk south back to my bike. Ride home. It was a nice day.

A mother and her goslings

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for several hearings. Drive home. Walk to the office. Work on several files. Walk home. Walk down to the lakefront. Find geese and throw out bread to them. A mother and her goslings come up to me and gets most of the bread. Walk north past Bradford Beach. Walk west to the Oak Leaf trail. Walk back home.

Out to Riverwest

In the morning drive out to the House of Correction. Go in for a consultation. Drive to the courthouse. Go in for a case but it gets adjourned. Drive home. Ride my bike out to Riverwest. Walk around the neighborhood. It is calm and sunny outside. Ride back home.