No Jacket Required

197.0 pounds.  10 minutes on the Elliptical.  Finally get some summertime weather.  Walk around MacArthur Square at lunch.  Walk down 2nd Street to Mitchell Street and back.  First time all year walking outside without a jacket.

35,000 Steps

197.0 pounds.  In the morning walk up St. Paul Avenue to 27th Street and then back down Wisconsin Avenue.  In the afternoon walk south to Bay View and back.  In the evening walk to the lakefront and out to Lakeshore State Park then around the Third Ward.  Go over 35,000 steps on the Fitbit.

Feeling down but the view is spectacular

197.0 pounds.  Walk to the lakefront in the early afternoon.  Walk up the lakefront path to North Avenue.  Then walk back downtown. Feeling a little down so at sunset I walk back to the lakefront and take in the beautiful view of the Lake Michigan.  Bucks lose game 7 and the season is over.

Bucks win Game 6

196.8 pounds.  Walk up Prospect Avenue then back down Farwell Avenue.  Walk up Brady Street.  Walk downtown past the Pfister Hotel.  See the Boston Celtics boarding the bus to the Bradley Center for game six of the series.  Bucks win.

MLK Route

197.0 pounds.  Walk up Martin Luther King Street to North Avenue.   Walk east on North Avenue to Holton Street and then head back downtown.


Spring is on the way

197.0 pounds.  Work all day at the office readying the old home Mac for business use.  Walk south to National Avenue.  Walk up to 16th Street and then across the viaduct and back downtown.  Warm and sunny.  Temperature near 60 degrees.

Bucks and Brewers win

195.8 pounds.  Walk to Miller Park while listening to the Bucks win game 4 of the NBA playoff series with the Boston Celtics.  Look in the windows to see the Brewers playing the Miami Marlins.  Brewers win too.

Boston Store is no more

197.0 pounds.  Walk to Boston Store on Wisconsin Avenue.  It is a going out of business sale.  The store opened here a few years before World War I.  Buy jeans, a Brewers shirt and some socks.  Walk down to Best Fish to get some worms for the fish.  Do a water change in the tank.  Take old home Mac to the office to replace the office Mac which is too slow for me.  Tear up wires in the back and straighten out the modem and router and wireless back up drive.