Easter basket

In the morning drive to the courthouse. Go in for a pre-trial hearing and a preliminary hearing. Drive to Target. Put together an Easter basket for Xena. Drive to Lorena’s house. Xena is happy to get the Easter basket. We run around the back yard and imagine all kinds of crazy stuff. We even recreate an epic apocalyptic battle between good and evil. Which side wins depends on which side Xena picks to play of course. Drive back to the courthouse. Go in for two more hearings. Drive home. Walk north on Prospect Avenue. Stop at Ian’s for a burned piece of pizza that is all right actually. Walk south on Farwell Avenue. Walk up Brady Street. Stop to buy Girl Scout Cookies from a mom while her daughter, the actual Girl Scout, is playing with her friends and not paying attention to the cookie sale. Eat a half a box of cookies while walking home in a good mood. What an epic week I had!