
In the morning go to the office. Work on several files. Drive to the jail and drop off a disc for a client to review. Drive to the post office. Drop off some mail. See Cubs fans walking from the train station. They look confident. In the afternoon the Brewers complete a three game sweep of the Cubs. Drive to Lorena’s house. Give Xena a Scoopie doll from Culver’s. She has fun with the doll. She whips it around. Tosses it in the air. Throws it on the sidewalk. We run up and down the sidewalk pretending to be scared of spiders that live on the fire hydrant. Drive back home. Do a telephone consultation with a client away in prison. Ride my bike west on the Hank Aaron trail then on the New Berlin trail. My left calf muscles are sore again today. Ride home. Lay on the couch to recover.