Water main break

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. Arctic cold weather still out here. No ducks or squirrels. Drive home. Walk up to the office. Get files ready for tomorrow. In the afternoon walk back down to the lagoon. The seed from this morning is gone. There are some little birds picking at the leftovers. Put down more corn and sunflower seeds. Walk over the Brady Street bridge. Walk up the Oak Leaf Trail to Farwell Avenue. The street is closed down. There was a water main break. There is a couple who has a car trapped in the quickly freezing water run off. The female is desparately trying to shovel out while the male keeps gunning the car and spinning the wheels. I say to the female “What the fuck?”. She says in response “Yeah, I know!”. Walk back down Farwell Avenue then up Brady Street. Walk back home. At night watch “Down and Out in Beverly Hills” (1986).