Where are they?

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. It is really cold. The water on the lagoon is frozen over. Walk down to the Bodhi tree. No ducks. No geese. No squirrels. Nothing. Where are they? I am crushed. Start putting down the seed in little piles anyway. Then suddenly one lonely goose appears. Walking over the frozen lagoon. Heading towards me. I yell out a cheer of happiness! The goose is walking slowly. Up close it looks tired and worn down. Not as plump and shiny as many of the other geese usually appear to be. Winter is hard on this poor goose. At least this morning he found a place to rest and eat well. He sits down to eat. This is unusual. After a few minutes one duck appears too. She sits down to eat. Go to the office. Work until the early afternoon. Walk back down to the lagoon. No ducks. No geese. The piles from this morning are still there. Uneaten. Walk away sad. Walk back to the office. Work a bit more. At night lay on the couch and watch “Tenet” (2020).