The moon shines over the lake

In the morning walk down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks and the geese. Try to ride my bike but I get a flat tire on it. Put it away and walk down to the lagoon a couple more times in the afternoon instead. My feet start to hurt. Decide not to go again. Lay down on the couch. Watch college football. Walk out on the deck. Look east and see a full moon rising. Decide that I must walk down to the lake to see it. The moon shines over the lake leaving its reflection just like the sun does in the morning. Put out seed for the geese. They are quiet again like last night. There is a big fight between two geese out on the lagoon though. It is pretty rough. Walk up the Brady Street bridge. Walk to Cathedral Square. The Christmas decorations are everywhere. Walk home. Lay back on the couch. Watch college football.