Dinosaurs in the forest

In the morning drive down to the lakefront to feed the ducks and the geese. There are more geese down there again. This causes conflict. The ducks just go right on eating up. It is going to be a sunny and warm day. Just like summer. Get on my shorts and get out my bike. Today is the day I conquer the Oak Leaf trail. Start out at 8:30 A.M. Ride the northern half. Stop at the zoo. Go see the animals. Stop at a picnic table to have lunch. Check the election. My earlier gloom begins to lift. Joe Biden is coming back. He is now in the lead! Go to the dinosaur exhibit. See a bunch of robot dinosaurs in the forest. Continue to walk around the zoo. At 1:30 start up on my bike again. Ride the southern half of the Oak Leaf trail. Get home by sunset. I did it!!! I conquered the Oak Leaf trail today!!