Apple Fest

When I wake up my quads are sore and everything hurts. In the morning wake up to a text from Lorena. She says that Kristine has the coronavirus. I text back that I hope she gets better. I text that l still love Kristine and that I miss her. Walk to the lakefront while listening to Musica Antiqua on WORT-FM from Madison. My quads are sore and everything still hurts. Put down cracked corn for the six geese and the ducks. Walk to the office. Prep my files for tomorrow morning. In the afternoon ride my bike north on the Oak Leaf Trail. My quads are still sore and everthing still hurts. Ride out to Theinsville. Stop at the Apple Fest. Eat a piece of apple pie. It is so good. Watch a tractor pulling little kids sitting in barrells that are hooked up to it. They are having fun. Most of the people here aren’t wearing masks. It kind of shocks me a first but then I remember this is Trump country out here. My pain is gone. The apple pie and the smiles on the little kids cured me. Ride home in a nice mood.