Enough for everyone to enjoy

In the morning walk up to the office. Spend the day organizing the office for the temporary move. Throw out many useless items that are now obsolete. This includes the old copier and fax, an old computer, old keyboards, old cords of all kinds, old office supplies that were needed back when court filings were done in paper form, etc. Scan boxes of old files to free them up for other things I am saving for the move. I worked very hard today to get things ready for this move. Very happy with my effort. After work I decide to go for a walk. Walk north on Farwell Avenue on up to North Avenue. Stop at Ian’s and get a slice of pizza. Go to the water fountain across from the Northpoint Water Tower to eat the slice. Walk down to Bradford Beach. See some sexy girls in small bikinis. Walk south to the lagoon. There are several ducks under the Bodhi Tree. I walk over and put seed all around the tree. The ducks waddle into the lagoon and swim out a few feet and wait while I place the seed in little piles all around the tree. After that I walk away a few feet from the tree. The ducks then immediately swim back ashore and dive into eat. There are enough piles for everyone to have there very own pile to enjoy. Walk home as the sun sets. Extraordinary wonderful summer evening.