Ice Cream at the lakefront

In the morning drive to the jail. Go in for a consultation with a client. Drive home. Walk down to the lakefront. Go to the lagoon and put out seed for the ducks. Walk back home. Drive to the Safety Building. Attempt to do a sentencing hearing. It is a disaster. The video doesn’t work. It is rescheduled. The court system is still getting its ass kicked by the coronavirus. In the afternoon walk to Brady Street. Walk to Ian’s. Get a slice of pizza. Walk to the fountain. There are a bunch of little kids swimming in the fountain. Eat my slice of pizza. Walk north to Lake Park. Walk down the grand staircase to the lakefront. Walk to Moosa’s. Get an ice cream cone. Eat it while walking along the lakefront. Stop at the lagoon on the way home and put out more seed for the ducks. Walk back home. Drive to Pick N’ Save to get brats and chips for the weekend.