Genuinely happy

In the morning walk down to the lagoon. On the way throw out bread to some geese. They walk right up to me. Walk down to where the ducks hang out. Put out sunflower seeds. They love it. Walk back home. Walk on the Oak Leaf Trail out to Capitol Drive. Stop at Culver’s for a double cheeseburger and a strawberry malt. Sit on the outdoor patio and enjoy all of it. Walk east to Lake Drive. Walk south along the lakefront. Bradford Beach is absolutely packed with people. They don’t give a fuck about corona. There are girls down here with bikinis so small that they are basically naked. I get distracted easily. Walk south to the lagoon. Put out more sunflower seeds for the ducks. Walk home. Do a filter change on the fish tank. I am hoping the water changes and the deep clean help ease tensions in the tank. Walk to Stacked Burger Bar to pick up some eggplant fries. Walk home as the sun sets. I am genuinely happy today. It feels very nice. After dark drive to Pick N’ Save. Go grocery shopping. The checkout gil has purple hair. Super cute. After paying for my groceries I casually say: “Your hair is pretty”. She says “Thank you”. I walk out of the store with a big goofy smile on my face.