It is sunny and I am happy

Feel good this morning. It is sunny and I am happy. Text Latia and she texts me back with sexy pictures of herself. Go to the jail for a consultation. Go to the Criminal Justice Facility for a preliminary hearing. Go home for lunch. Walk to the office. Do a telephone consultation with a client in prison. Do a couple of court hearings from my office using the Zoom app. These court hearings are also being broadcasted live worldwide on Youtube. Work on a few more things at the office. Walk back home. Ride on the Nordicktrack. Do a different ride around Kyoto, Japan. Walk to the lakefront. Feed some geese that are scattered all around. The flooding is unreal down near the lagoon. Walk north on the Oak Leaf Trail out to Capitol Drive. Stop at Culver’s. Convince them to sell me a double cheeseburger and fries even though I didn’t order via the drive-thru. Enjoy my dinner sitting at a picnic table in front of the restaurant while all the cars are lined up for the drive thru. The line stretches out onto Capitol Drive. Walk east to Lake Drive. Walk south to Lake Park then down to the lakefront. My legs and feet get real sore on the way back. I love a nice sunset when it is warm and calm like it was today. Love it.