Trees are starting to bloom

In the morning walk to the office. Participate in a Zoom court hearing. The Zoom kicks everyone out so we turn it into a telephone conference instead. Spend the rest of the day working on a new appeal brief. In the late afternoon walk down to the lakefront. Notice the trees are starting to bloom. Spring is finally crawling over to Milwaukee. Walk down to the Bodhi tree. Put cracked corn all around the tree. One goose begins to holler until all the other ones look over and see what is going on. They all waddle over at a quickened pace to get in on the food. The tree goes from a couple of geese to a couple dozen in five minutes. There are two squirrels running up and down the tree trunks trying to get in on the action as well. On the way home, listen to Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez talk on Facebook about the hardships her district is facing from the Covid-19 pandemic. Everything she says it right on and she looks good saying it too.