Let my mind relax

In the morning walk to the office. Get a reasonable amount of work done. In the afternoon try to work some more on the book. Get frustrated. Make little progress on it. Go for a walk. Walk along the lakefront. I let my mind relax. The ideas open up to me. I sort out the difficulties I was having organizing the outline for the first third of the book. Feel great. Walk all the way to UW-Milwaukee. Walk south through Lake Park. Walk back down to the lakefront. Walk back downtown. Listen to the last part of an audiobook on Russian History. Learn all about the fall of Communism and the failure of democracy to take hold in the new Russia. At night walk back to the office to get files ready for tomorrow. Return to the book and get frustrated with it all over again. Lay on the couch and let my mind return to a relaxed state. Very nice. The book is back on track. I go to bed tonight quite satisfied that the book is going to be very special.