Troniyah’s birthday party

Drive to Racine. Go to the jail for consultations. Drive to Sam’s Club to get soda and water. Drive around trying in vain to find a place available to do an oil change on my car. Go to Huhot for lunch. Go to the Kenosha County Detention Center for a consultation. Drive home. Walk along the lakefront to Northpoint. Walk up North Avenue. A crazy female takes off her clothes right in front of me then runs into the street. Nice body. Go to Orange Theory. Go to Latia’s mother’s house. There are alot of kids there to celebrate Latia’s daughter’s birthday. I give Troniyah a twenty dollar bill for her birthday. She gives me a big hug. I eat barbeque hot dogs, cake, and cotton candy. I hang out with all the kids. I have a nice time.