A beautiful moment to see

In the morning drive down to the lagoon. The water near the shore is partially frozen over. The ducks and geese are on the water right up to the ice. They don’t know what to do at first as I put down the seed along the shore. Slowly they walk up on the ice. It cracks beneath them. They eventually all charge ahead and break up all the ice and come ashore to eat. The sun is rising and everything is bathed in light. It was a beautiful moment to see. Walk up to the office. Do several court hearings while sitting at my desk. Work on a few things. In the afternoon take an invoice for my legal fees down to the courthouse. File it with the Chief Judge for payment. Later do a water change on the fish tank. Go to Orangetheory. Race against a gorgeous woman on the rowing machine while AC/DC blares on the loudspeaker.