Other geese show up

In the morning drive to the lagoon. The six geese are waiting for me. There is a seventh one that hangs around the other six. He is not part of their group but they let him be around them. He eats from a separate pile that I put on the other side of the Bodhi tree. Will the other six let him join their crew after the hazing period ends? I will keep watching the situation develop. In the meantime the ducks still go absolutely crazy whenever I put down food for them. Drive back home. Do a couple of court hearings over my cell phone. Drive around and do some grocery shopping. Stop at Farm and Fleet for more cracked corn and sunflower seeds. Later walk down to the lagoon. Put out more seed for the geese and ducks. There are other geese that show up and a fight kicks off. The ducks ignore them and keep eating away.