The universe is all around me

In the morning do a couple of court hearings over Zoom. Don’t even leave the couch. Walk down to the lagoon. Put out seed for the ducks. They swoop in to have their breakfast. Walk back home. Make lunch. Walk up to the jail. Go in for a consultation. Walk back to the office. Organize my files for tomorrow. Walk north on Prospect Avenue to North Avenue. Go to Ian’s for a slice of pizza. Walk to the fountain across from NorthPoint water tower and eat the slice. Walk north to Lake Park. Walk down the grand staircase to the lakefront. Walk to Moosa’s. Get a caramel sundae. Walk south to the lagoon. Put out more seed and some cheetos for the ducks. Walk home as the sun sets to the west while a full moon rises in the east. The universe is all around me. Lay on the couch and watch another episode of the German television series “Dark”.