She looks good

174.6 pounds. In the morning do a court hearing using my cell phone on the Zoom app. Drive out to Latia’s house. Give her daughter a pink unicorn. Hang out and talk with her. She looks good. Drive her to work. Drop her off in an alley behind the business. Hug and kiss her tightly. Drive to Sam’s Club. Drive to Office Depot. Run into several lawyers. Drive back home. Set up the printer I just bought. Walk up to the office. Go in to pick up some stuff. The smell of smoke is much less. Alot of workers there cleaning up the mess from the fire. Drive to the jail. Go in for a couple of consultations. They go just fine. Drive to a gas station on the south side. Fill up the tank and put air in the tires. Drive home. Eat dinner. Ride on the Nordic Trak. Do a trainer video. I sweat like crazy. It is difficult. Send flirty texts to Latia.