It was beautiful

In the morning walk to the office. Do several court hearings over Zoom. Walk home for lunch. Walk back to the office. Do another court hearing over Zoom. Walk along the river walk out to North Avenue. Keep following the river until I get to Gordon Park. Come across a large group gathering for a Black Lives Matter march. Follow the march down Locust Street then up North Avenue. Then down Holton Street back downtown. We walk down Wisconsin Avenue to the lakefront. With the sun setting I walk off from the march to find the geese I can hear in the distance. Put out cracked corn for them. Walk home while listening to the marchers who are now winding there way back downtown, calling out “No justice, No peace!”. Post some of the pictures I took on Facebook. Here is what I wrote for my status:

I ran across the march today. We walked all over the city. The whole vibe was full of love for each other, compassion for those who have suffered, and the belief in freedom and justice for all. It was beautiful.