
In the morning walk to the office. Work on appeal brief. In the afternoon walk to the lakefront. Put cracked corn around the Bodhi tree. The geese come running. Do a major water change on the fish tank. In the later afternoon walk to the lakefront again. There is a lady resting on the trunk of the Bodhi tree reading a book. I go quietly up to the tree and surreptitiously place piles of cracked corn all around. The geese come running. The squirrels go crazy. I stand back and watch the lady in the tree now unaware that she is surrounded by dozens of overly excited wild geese. After a while the lady comes down out of the tree. She turns to hug the Bodhi tree. The geese go on eating and honking like crazy. Nice moment. Continur to walk up the lakefront to Northpoint. Wander back downtown as the sun sets. Beautiful sunny warm day.