Eats a cheeto right out of my hand

Wake up early. It is stil dark outside. I am depressed about this. Thankfully I fall back asleep. Don’t wake up until it is light outside. Now I can start the day. In the morning try going for a walk. My quads are still in alot of pain. It is starting to rain. Only walk a little ways and then turn around and go back home. Out walking barely ten minutes. Go home and lay around. Work on my book. The decide to do some streching exercises. That does the trick. My quad pain is reduced. Go for a walk. Walk down to the lakefront. Come across a group of geese. Throw out bread pieces to them. The seagulls swoop in for a taste. Feed them cheetos too. One goose comes right up to me. Eats a cheeto right out of my hand. His beak nips on my fingers a bit. Walk up to the Brady Street bridge. Walk back downtown by way of the Oak Leaf trail. At night watch more Youtube videos about World War I and the Napoleonic wars.