Walk to the Zoo

In the morning walk up St. Paul Avenue to 13th Street. Walk over to Canal Street. Walk west on the Hank Aaron Trail to Hawley Road. Stop at the McDonald’s on Bluemound Road for a cheeseburger. Walk to the Milwaukee County Zoo. Go in to see the animals. The place is pretty empty. Not many people out here. The only animals outside are the penguins and a polar bear. Go inside to see the Lion, some Giraffes, and a bunch of birds and fish. Enjoy spending time with all the animals. Walk down Blue Mound Road to Miller Valley. Pick up Wisconsin Avenue and walk back downtown. At night walk up the Oak Leaf trail out to Capitol Drive. Walk over to Oakland Avenue. Walk south on Oakland Avenue to Brady Street. Take Cass Avenue back downtown. Get home and see that the big toe on my left foot is swollen. I went over 60,000 steps today.