She is dancing and shaking her body

In the morning walk to Lakeshore State Park. Climb out on the rocks along Lake Michigan. Find the geocache tucked in the rocks. Post a photo on the app and brag about my success. Walk down to Veterans Park. Walk out the middle of the park. It is a wet, muddy and sloppy mess. Find another geocache. It is inside a fake rock which is hidden under a bigger rock. Post a photo on the app and brag about my success. Walk down further by the lagoon. Find another geocache under a pine tree. It is a little toy alligator. Post a photo on the app and brag about my success. Walk over to Brady Street. Walk to Pizza Shuttle. Get a slice of pizza. Walk back downtown. There is a very cute girl walking in front of me. She is dancing and shaking her body. She must be listening to music she likes. Maybe she is happy. Maybe she is a little weird. I love it. I ask the universe to bless me by bringing a girl like this into my life and get quick about it. Later after dark walk around to look for more geocaches. It is rainy and miserable out. Give up after a few minutes. Go home and do some laundry and watch football.